Why you can’t give up now

Why you can’t give up now

You can’t give up. On your dream, on your passion, on this vision for your life that extends farther and further than your current reality. You can’t pull an Elsa and just let it go — shooting shards of ice at anyone who brings up those dreams you...
What I Learned From Shopping Cart Man…

What I Learned From Shopping Cart Man…

Every day I watched Shopping Cart Man push his grocery cart past the coffee shop I’d write at. I was trying to finish my first book. Shopping Cart Man was trying to find quarters in the newspaper stands. I’d spent years working on the same book, and with...
The Death of Awkward (and why it is killing us)

The Death of Awkward (and why it is killing us)

We are killing awkward. And the effects might be killing us. Awkward silence. Awkward conversations. Awkward waiting. All becoming a thing of the past. Long line at the grocery aisle? Let me take out my phone. Long drive? Let me blare some music. Long ride up an...
The Secret to Doing Something BIG

The Secret to Doing Something BIG

Our lives are going to be big. We’ve always known it. Our generation has more options, more education, and more “potential” at our disposal than any other in the history of humankind. Yet, what happens when your dreams of making a big difference or making a lot of...

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- "3 Ways to Pay Better Attention to the Answers Right in Front of You" - a quick, three step action guide to paying better attention that you can implement today.

- The first two chapters from best-selling author Paul Angone's new book Listen to Your Day: The Life-Changing Practice of Paying Attention.
