Welcome to All Groan Up!
Your twenties and thirties are hard and important. All Groan Up is a community dedicated to reminding each one of us that we’re not alone.
This Groan-Up life isn’t simple or straight-forward and we need a safe, real, hilarious space to talk about it.
That’s why I strive to consistently dispense truth, hope, and hilarity through every article and video I produce.
We’re all struggling. Yet, too many of us are struggling to make it appear like we’re not struggling.
Not anymore.
If you’re struggling with the questions “what now, what next, and what do I do with my life?” then cozy up my friend, you’ve found your new home.

How did
all groan up
For most of my twenties I felt like such a failure.
I wanted my life to really mean something, yet I felt lost, frustrated, and crushed under the heavy weight of all the unknowns.
Through this struggle, I became extremely passionate about empowering college students, twentysomethings, and thirtysomethings with overwhelming amounts of truth, hope, and hilarity as we save ourselves from living a ho-hum “groan up” life.
I learned that failure doesn’t ruin your story; failure helps you write it.
I learned that success in your 20s is not about them going as planned. But how you adapt, change, and grow when they don’t.
Now for over 13+ years I’ve been researching, writing, and speaking on the biggest issues, opportunities, and challenges facing Millennials, (and the organizations and leaders trying to connect with them).
I’ve also authored the best-selling books 101 Secrets for Your Twenties, 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties, All Groan Up, and my newest book — 25 Lies Twentysomethings Need to Stop Believing
Cool, so what now?
Well, you could check out the TOP FIVE blog posts of all-time at All Groan Up. Or just go straight to articles that have been read by millions like 25 Signs You’re Having a Quarter-Life Crisis or 21 Secrets For Your Twenties (I like lists, if you can tell!)

SurVival PAckAge
*Includes an exclusive episode from paul
+ Get Unstuck video series
+ Two unreleased chapters from Paul’s new book