23 New Mottos Twentysomethings Should Live By


Let’s be honest here — twentysomethings shouting the latest life motto is typically synonymous with the world shuttering.

Whether it’s yelling “YOLO” while jumping off a building to break your leg. Or talking about having an FOMO of FROYO, these kind of life mantras can cement every negative Millennial stereotype in stone.

So I’ve been on an epic search for mottos twentysomethings can be proud to live by. I took a poll from the interwebs and racked my heart and brain, and here are 23 brand-new life giving mottos.

23 New Mottos Twentysomethings Should Live By

1. HYBO – Hustle Your Butt Off

2. HTY2 – Hustle Through Your 20s. (Recommended by Michael Hadley)

Hustle now, rest much later. If you don’t feel like you’ve “made it”, perfect! It’s those who feel very unmade who will explore and create more. If you feel stuck in a dead-end job, grab a side-hustle and start investing in it every day.

3. BYOB – Build Your Own Brand

Nothing is more important in today’s changing, shifting, and competitive economy than being intentional about building your own brand, especially online.

I’d describe your brand in the simplest terms as what you’re known for.

If you have social media accounts, you’re creating your brand whether you’re thinking about it or not. Intentionally build your brand, or you might unintentionally blow it up.

4. WFH – War for Hope

As I write in 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, “You have a purpose worth pursuing and you have to keep talking about it so you don’t forget.”

5. POGO – Push On, Grit On


6. GO – Grit On

You can’t have a good story without a good struggle. Grit On, my friends. (click to tweet that)

7. Y2KK – Your 20s Kinda Kill

And let’s be honest with each other, our twenties are tough. Anyone who tells you otherwise has bought into some of these lies.

As I write in 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, “No one has it all figured out. And the ones who think they do are in for the biggest surprise of them all. ”

8. GOYS – Get Over Yourself.

We’re far too self consumed – Jordan Lindsay Horne

9. KOB – Keep On Believing

Need inspiration? Journey has your back.

10. CUSH – Create Until Something Happens

As I write in “101 Secrets For Your Twenties,”

Complaining is passive and powerless. Creating is proactive and powerful. People gravitate toward Passionate Pursuers. On the other hand, people run like the plague from Complacent Complainers. It’s up to us to create opportunity—instead of whining and waiting for one to float by.

What if we simply replaced moments where we had every “right” to complain, and created something instead? What would the world look like?

We need more people passionate about creating solutions. Don’t stop CUSHing


11. LOWO – Lights On, Windows Open.

“Don’t hide you struggles, doubts, and fears from others. Be honest about who you are and what you’re going through. In that honesty, you’ll find community support and encouragement.” – Truth bomb from James Thomas Grogan, pastor at Eastlake Community Church in San Diego.

12. The M, The H, The U – The Many. The Humbled. The Unemployed.

There’s a lot of us! Be proud. Be brave. Keep WFH (warring for hope).

13. BHBC – Be Humble, Be Confident

Have a quiet, humble confidence that shows up every day and does great work. Even when it feels like no one cares or notices, POGO.

14. CSED – Compliment Someone Every Day

The most powerful networking tool you possess is well-timed, well-thought, intentional compliments. A meaningful compliment will open up more doors than any resume will.

15. The New OCD – Obsessive Comparison Disorder

If you’ve been to All Groan Up over the last four years, you know I’m a firm believer in thwarting what I’ve defined as our generations new OCD – Obsessive Comparison Disorder.

16. GYST – Stands for Get Your Sh*t Together – Jennie Mustafa-Julock

17. LLUMI – Live Like You Mean it

Live like you mean it - AllGroanUp.com

18. MUNIC – My, You Need Insightful Counsel

Okay, kind of a reach here. But we all need advice, and more importantly wise counsel.

19. HOPE – Hold On, Purpose Evolves

As you war for hope, remember to HOPE — Hold on, purpose evolves. Even if it doesn’t feel like life is turning out like it was “supposed to,” the bigger you feel your purpose is, the more preparation it will take to get there.

20. YODO – You Only Die Once

Instead of yelling YOLO while you jump off a building, maybe you should think YODO and just slowly climb your way back down.

21. WIDEL – When In Doubt, Enjoy Life

This is not another definition of YOLO, this is a call to appreciate, enjoy, and savor each season you’re in – the good, the bad, and the awkward. There is amazing going on all around you if you’re willing to look for it.

22. DYA – Define Your Anxiety

I’ve learned that when I’m feeling anxious, I need to stop, think, and define where my anxiety is coming from.

Once you’ve defined what your anxiety actually is, you can actually do something about it.

23. STAT – Set the Adult Table

You’ve moved from the kid’s table to the adult table. No more plastic sporks and tiny chairs for you.

As I write in 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, “Success in your twenties is more about setting the table than enjoying the feast.”

Start setting the adult table so you’re ready when the sweet food starts coming your way from your successful HYBO.


  1. Suzi Ono

    Creative. I love these!

  2. Nisha Benny-Varghese

    POGO – I love it Paul


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