Middle of the Night Musings of a New Dad

All Groan Up Fan of the Decade Picture


That first week of being a new parent kicked my butt more than Walker Texas Ranger kicked terrorists.

For the last few months on All Groan Up I have detailed my wife and I’s journey into the Land of New Parenthood. Because nothing can feel more groan up than becoming “MOM” and “DAD”. (Father’s Day is for me?! What!-this-is-crazy-holy-diapers-I-can’t-believe-it). Shouldn’t we be required to go through a series of in-depth interviews to get the most intense job we’ll ever have?

All Groan Up Fan of the Decade Picture



In the first video of this series, The First Contraction, we saw an hilarious and honest video of THAT moment for two on-the-cusp parents whose lives are about to forever change.


In the second video, The Last Contraction, we saw a dramatic and inspiring video that jerked a couple tears.


Video three was my commentary filmed in the middle of night four.


Now for your viewing pleasure, I wrap up the first week of being a new parent with a 4 am delirious/hilarious commentary where I cover topics like birth on the Oregon Trail and how even with zero sleep, the depth of your new found love for this little creation is truly unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

Growing up is Not Easy. But it is so Freaking Good!


  1. April

    “Also, I think that that’s probably why a lot of them died.”


    & I love your videos. lovelovelove.
    I’m imagining some late-night videos 16 years down the road when you’re waiting for her to pull into the driveway ; )

    • admin

      April – They just made them tougher on that Oregon Trail :),

      Thank you for supporting the All Groan Up videos, and especially the deliriously filmed ones. (and thank you in advance for supporting deliriously written comments of thanks).

      I feel like my videos 16 years from now, shotgun resting peacefully across my lap, might have a little less delirium and a little more checking-the-window-every-minute. (the mentioning of 16 years from now videos gave me quite the chuckle, followed by an intense “Holy Pubescent Dating”, she’s right!!!!


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