Why your Quarter Life Crisis is the best thing that could have happened to you

Thank you, Quarter Life Crisis

Quarter Life Crisis (def): Experienced in your 20s as you’re crippled with anxiety, fear, and a Millennial identity crisis over the direction and quality of your life.

Not sure if you’re going through a quarter life crisis? Check out these 25 signs.

But what if I told you that experiencing a quarter life crisis is the best thing that can happen to you?

Yes, this turbulent season in your 20s where you’re emerging into adulthood, and in the process, feel like you’re getting the insides ripped out of you like crab legs at a Las Vegas buffet. Yes, this season will be the most important season of development in your entire life.

Let me explain.

Thank you, Quarter Life Crisis

Life Lived Linear

Growing up we live life so linear. Middle school. High School. College. Grad School. Cubicle job.

Climb that step so you can climb the next and the next and the next…

Don’t question. Don’t look back. Don’t turn.

Climb you fool. Climb!


We earn degrees, corner offices, 401k’s — but is plodding up a stairwell the way we want to live?

Time to Explore

A quarter life crisis is simply when you finally stop climbing the stairs and start exploring the unknowns of the 15th floor.

The door locks behind you. You strain your eyes but can only make out a dimly lit hall that appears to never end. You feel stuck in a Stephen King novel and at any second train headlights might start hurdling toward you.

No syllabus. No textbook. No professor with a flashlight to shed light on all the answers.

No, just you and an endless amount of rooms.

All you can do is start opening doors.

And it’s a tad terrifying, if we’re honest. Because exploring the dark has always been that way.

Because we’ll enter rooms that smell like mothballs and old pee.

Because we’ll get lost and there’s no assurance that we’ll ever find our way out.

Value of the Quarter Life Crisis

But the more rooms we go in, the more the maze begins to make sense. Exploring in the dark is not easy. But our eyes begin to adjust. We start learning how to really see.

We learn how to fail.

And struggle.

And persevere.

We learn that sometimes life will dismantle you so that you can be rebuilt stronger. 

We learn how to explore again like we’re eight years old in the field behind our house.

Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.”
― Gilda Radner

We think back to our life on the stairwell and realize it wasn’t much of a life after all.

So yes, I’d rather we experience crisis now. I’d rather we ask questions when we’re 21 years old, 25 years old, 29 years old and have the rest of our lives to live it. Than when we’re freaking-fifty-five with so much of our lives already cashed in.

I’d rather we have an identity crisis in our 20s than a crisis later on with so many people depending us.

Lost With Confidence

As I write in my book 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, “Getting lost and exploring are pretty much the same thing. Explorers just get lost on purpose with purpose.”

I can honestly say now, I’m thankful for my quarter-life crisis.

If we don’t learn how to explore now, then we’ll really be lost later. 

I’d love to hear from you 51 Comments:

Have you experienced moments of Quarter Life Crisis? Can you see any ways it’s benefited you?

Not sure if what you’re experiencing has the makings of a Quarter Life Crisis? Here’s 25 signs it might be a quarter life crisis.

Pauls-book-3-300x200If you’re 99.7% sure you’ve having a quarter life crisis, then check out my new online community, course, and free ebook to Find Your Signature Sauce — where your passion, purpose, and career collide. I’m so pumped about this new course and community that will help you crush your Quarter-Life Crisis!


  1. John

    Paul, great post and very interesting website. I’m looking forward to the release of the book. I’m writing on the same topic, but from a slightly different direction… looking at the pyschology and economic literature has to say about what can be done to “quell” the anxiety brought on by, as you say, emerging adulthood, or plainly, the quarter life crisis. I’m looking forward to interacting with you more and hope you get a chance to read some of my (emerging) thoughts at quellingtheqlc.com

    • admin

      Thanks John. You offer a very thorough and insightful look into the research and history of Emerging Adulthood and the Quarter-Life Crisis. Well done sir. Looking forward to connecting more as well.

  2. Zak

    I really appreciate the stance/direction you took on this…and yes, it does feel like a “crisis,” at least for 8 months out of the year.

    The prescribed “linear life” is a tough one to unravel—get everyone on board all at once, and there’s a good recipe for mass chaos.

    But, like you, I’m all for a little chaos in my own life now than lots of chaos (not only in my life, but my wife & kids, too) down the line.

    • admin

      Thank you Zak. Yes, better we ask the hard questions now, than delay them for when life becomes intricately more complex.

      And thank you for introducing me to Alan Watts video below. Definitely was the fodder needed for this article. Cheers

  3. TMZ

    So good. Been thinking lately about how life used to be so easy in the sense of what you described, as taking one logical step after another. And then…the great unknown. After graduating college in ’09, it was definitely a year or two of scary wandering. Since relocating in a totally different part of the country two years ago, it’s been more of an exciting wandering. I get the feeling that another scary wandering portion is looming up ahead, but there’s still so much to be learned and experienced in these wonderful mid-20s of mine. Stoked. Thanks for the reminder to get lost with confidence!

    • admin

      Thanks Thomas. Being able to get “lost with confidence” is so hard and nebulous most times. But for me it’s learning to operate with peace, assurance, and joy amidst a back-drop of unknowns.

  4. Tim

    Learning to fail is such a hard thing to do. It is so worth it to be able to find yourself though. Maybe the hardest part is learning to get back up after you fail.

    • admin

      Thanks Tim. I’ve definitely learned the hard way that the ability to “fail well” is the most crucial piece of learning we can have within this Groan Up process.

  5. Aly

    I enjoyed reading this and the 21 secrets post. In May I turned 25, lost my job and was dumped. Everybody feels pity for me, yet I feel gratitude. I am being forced to “explore the 15th’ floor. I find it humbling and exciting all at the same time.

    • admin

      Love your comment Aly and perspective. A comfortable job, in my opinion, is worse than no job at all! Keep exploring. It’s freaky and lonely, but I swear the right room is just around the corner.

  6. Tawni

    A friend of mine shared a link to the 21 Secrets on FB and as soon as 5:30 rolls around I am going to pick up your book for some weekend reading material!

    I have been on the “15th floor” for a month now. At the begining of June I came home from a week long vacation and realized I didn’t want to keep climbing. A week later I quit my job, packed up everything and moved away from the only place I’ve ever lived. It has been the most liberating experience of my life to date. And everytime it gets a little scary or I have a quiver of self-doubt I keep telling myself that I am only 26 and still have YEARS to “figure it all out”.

    I’m so excited to read your book!

    • admin

      Thanks Tawni! You’re awesome and it sounds like you’re on your way to an exciting exploration.

      But don’t go look for the book quite yet because it’s not yet released. 🙂 It comes out March 2013. Please subscribe to All Groan Up so I can make sure to send you updates: http://feeds.feedburner.com/allgroanup/LfIO

  7. Irina

    I just graduated from college with a degree I will probably never use, no job, nursing school apps pending and $31,000 in debt. Feeling lost and terrified is my new daily routine. I needed a post like this to remind me there is still an entire 15th floor to be explored.

    • admin

      Well said Irina. Keep exploring. Once you get passed the dark and dingy, the view is worth it

  8. Bethany

    I’m turning 25 this year and it seems like all of my friends my age are either married, thinking about getting married, or still partying like college freshmen. I’m at this weird middle ground where I don’t want to party until 4 am OR get married. Both options sound rather awful.

    Also, my political/religious views are SO different than anyone else that I know in my age bracket (and my family for that matter) that I feel like a freak-and am reconsidering almost everything I thought I believed.

    I’m currently a registered nurse working full time for a non-profit that I grew up volunteering for. You’d think I have “the life”…and don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful for my job and the ability to work/use my degree, but something inside wants to be different-move away-explore the world-stop being so predictable & responsible…

    This article (and the 21 secrets for your 20’s) sounds exactly like what I’m experiencing. THANK YOU for posting this-I may have just found my new favorite website. I can’t wait to read your book next year!

    • admin

      Bethany, thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts.

      “I’m at this weird middle ground”. Well said. I know so many can relate

  9. Tiffany

    My quarter-life crisis ended up in a session of re-evaluation of my life- (http://tiffanyreriksen.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/25/)

    Deciding I would suffocate if I didn’t leave the country, I texted my best friend and told her we were going to Ireland. We left two weeks later.

    It was simultaniously the most irresponsible and best decision I could have made. I wouldn’t trade getting out and exploring my “15th floor” for anything.

    Luckily, I handled 26 with a whole lot more grace…

    Thanks for this post- loved it. Reaffimes so many things for me.

  10. Hana K

    I had my “crisis” when I decided to quit grad school after completing university in 3 yrs. It was such a long academic road for me, although I was good at studying and good at getting A’s, it was always one after the next of advanced classes in elem middle high school and then getting a degree for the most stable career with great pay.

    Once I didn’t have school I had so much time to do whatever I wanted and it was weird at first but so freeing. I started exploring the 15th floor as you say and found much more happiness and depth to my faith, hobbies and relationships and just finding myself. It was the best experience that has shaped my parenting values and my own life values. There is so much more than just a single path from school to job in life! I’m grateful I found that out earlier than later.

    • admin

      “There is so much more than just a single path from school to job in life!”

      Well said Hana! Love it

  11. Elizabeth

    I just came across this site which was referred. Its amazing how everything is broken down for confidence and reassurance! I am 26 years old and will be 27 next month! For the past 3 years, I have been feeling completely lost and worried about where I’m going! I am a Wife and Mother to 2 young children. This, I feel, consstitutes as major accomplishments in my life. However, I need to know that life in general is not over for me. Where am I going? What am I for? What am I supposed to do? When and how?…etc. I am SO relived that there are many others my age that are going through this and that it has a name! So, thanks for posting!

    • admin

      Elizabeth, thank you for this amazing comment. Sounds like you’re asking the right questions. And you’re right that you are definitely not alone in this journey. Thousands are traveling right next to you.

  12. Ryan

    I am currently experiencing this quarter-life crisis you speak of at age 25. I started taking a anti-anxiety pill, seeing a therapist for the first time, living at moms, and have a college degree. I agree that in the end result it should be beneficial but living it I cannot say I enjoy it. Any recommendations to make it a more pleasurable experience?

  13. Jannie

    I am happy that I stumbled upon this site. I first heard of the term “quarter life crisis” from John Mayer’s “Why Georgia” (which I then found it funny that you mentioned J. Mayer in your 25 signs for quarter life crisis post). It’s so easy to feel so alone because, as you’ve said, it is dark and it’s scary. But I can honestly say that friends of mine have also been feeling the exact same thing if one asks them. And I always do. I always ask and I always pry because talking calms the nerves that have been going haywire for me the past years. Anyway, that was a tangent to my real intention- wanted to say thank you. Putting this out there makes it sound not-so-scary. And even though I’m terrified, I’m still excited at the same time. I’m also a natural-born helper. I love helping people, and the wisdom I can grasp from you and this site may also help me provide comfort to those who are as lost as I am. And lastly, I’ve never heard of the proverbial “15th floor” either. But putting a name to this dark and shadowy place where one can easily get lost in puts me at ease. At least I can somewhat say that I know where I am. So there. Thank you.

    • admin

      Jannie – You’re awesome. Thank you for these kind words and thoughts. You’re spot on when you saying so many people are experiencing the same questions and fears. We’ve just become so good at hiding that fact behind Facebook Updates. Pumped All Groan Up can help shed some light to a conversation mainly going on in the dark and dusty corners.

  14. Bree

    Great read as I have recently launched my own blog at herquarterlifecrisis.com
    Good to hear Im not the only one trying to get it right in life.

  15. Sam

    How funny that I stumbled across this today. I’m definitely going through this right now. I got married at 20, will be 26 soon and now have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter. My career is not what I want to do, my husband is great, but I feel like I’m missing out on something. I’m having a hard time putting my feelings into words right now. I feel like I’m stuck at an impasse and either way I go, someone’s going to get hurt and be frustrated, including myself. But it’s good to know that other people are in similar situations. Im going to do my best to maybe make some changes during this quarter life crisis. Thanks for you me post. 🙂

  16. Cathy

    My father once told me “The light at the end of the tunnel is not a gorilla with a baseball bat.” I immediately thought of this upon reading your article.

    We are programmed, conditioned, and expected to live life climbing. I was “successful” on the surface: coveted job, scholarship covered school, and fancy title to boot. Yet, I was absolutely miserable. It took several family members at a wedding to convince me that stopping to explore the 15th floor would be a risk worth taking. Currently, I’m opening up doors and exploring hobbies that I never thought of before. Is it easy? No. After 1.5 months of job searching, I’m still fishing but know that being “lost with confidence” is much better than being stagnant with angst.

    Thanks to Facebook, I’d say it’s easy to get wrapped up in what you’re NOT doing or feeling. No one wants to admit they are struggling with some of the very same issues. Your messages on this site are inspirational flickers of light on the 15th floor and I honestly thank you for that.

    To everyone else on the 15th floor…continue dreaming, stay busy, and keep knocking on doors.

    • admin

      Well said Cathy!

  17. Rachael

    I asked a 40-something if it is possible to have the quarter life crisis before 25.

    I was met with an astounding YES.

    Life was so linear in college, and even before that…and before that…and before that. It’s linear backwards and forwards!

    When I got into my entry level job just before college graduation, as soon as I got to the last step down the stage stairs, I tripped. Luckily, nobody noticed, but that’s all I’ve been doing is falling all over the place like a clueless holiday shopper at Walmart.

    Friends have disappeared into wedding land then baby land while I’m sitting here panicking. I didn’t even know what to do at a green light today and I’ve been driving since sixteen. That’s how lost I feel right now in the big bad “seriously we mean it now” world.

    First world problems, no? Hahaha!

  18. Rasheeda

    I’m so happy I stumbled upon this! I’ll be 23 next year and I’m in chiropractic school. I did three years of undergrad and doing duel enrollment on my doctorate now. The problem is, I rushed undergrad to get to professional school and now I regret it. I was told to slow down in life but I thought I just wanted to be a doctor by 25. Now I have so much regret and all I want to do is study abroad in Barcelona and emerge myself in the culture to become bilingual. I’ve found that this is my passion but my parents are angry and my parents have always been proud of me. I’m so scared to drop out and follow my dreams of learning spanish because well, staying in chiro school is safe. But I’m absolutely miserable. I cry quite a bit and feel so alone. I’m afraid of failure, the unknown, but also the even bigger regret I’ll have if I don’t take the risk and follow my dreams. I feel as though I have no idea who I am or even where to start to find out. Up until now, I had my life all figured out in a time line and I’ve recently realized that life however isn’t so black and white but many shades of gra and gray is very foreign to me.

    • admin

      Well said Rasheeda and I know many of us can relate.

      I say go for it. The pain of “what if” is much stronger than the pain of failure going for your dream. You’ll fail some on the path to being a chiropractor and you’ll fail some on the path to your dream, so might as well fail towards what you know in your heart you should do.

  19. H

    I feel like I’ve been having a quarter life since my teens maybe due to growing up too fast?! But certainly for those of us in our twenties (I assume most reading this are) life isn’t easy as it was back in the day, we are bombarded with choices and new media. I have grown up feelng like I’ll never get a job because there aren’t any (I live in London) and wonder what I need to do to stand out from all the other grads, and even so I have no clue what I want to do once I join the rat race. I’m not sure what I’m trying to say here, I don’t have a valid point or comment, but wanted to tell people one thing that somebody once told me. He said stop looking for that light bulb moment, cos it aint gonna happen. In other words we must seize the moment, allow things to move organically and just roll with it. Good luck guys!

  20. Jessie

    I’m 22 coming 23 and I feel like everyone in my life is moving forward, having fun enjoying life and here I am getting all lost and desperate. I seriously don’t know what I want to do in life. I used to be so depressed and hated every moment in my life. I’m alright now, more happy and optimistic I guess…but I still don’t know what I want to do. ugh…

    • Wenxi Zhang

      Hi Jessie, I know how you’re feeling. I think one thing that I think about when I’m feeling alone and groping for something to hold onto is how long life is, and how short a couple of months or even a year or two is in the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to power through those feelings to make this time productive.

  21. Krysta

    I’m so grateful to have come across your article and work! I just turned 24 and moved to a big city for a new job and don’t really know anyone here. I love my job but the adjustments to being away from my family and close friends is starting to be harder than I thought. And also it’s the first time I’m living on my own after college and finally moved out of my parents’ house. A lot of adjustments going on and I can relate to your article100%. Thank you for helping me realize that I’m never alone

  22. Aide

    It’s good to know that you aren’t the only one out there experiencing this quarter-life crisis…. I feel as though my life is not heading in the direction I wanted or expected it to. I graduated and received my Bachelor’s degree two years ago and now I feel like I rushed through it. I am currently employed in something I am not happy in. I feel as though it is too late to change things and do what I really want to do… which at age 24 I have no clue what that is? I thought I would have it all figured out by this age; that I would be living on my own doing something that I loved for a living… I feel completely lost. I feel as though this quarter life crisis will never end.

  23. vegimorph

    I think I’m going through a quarter-life crisis myself these days. I’m 26, in my last year of graduate school for filmmaking and I’m living out of state but I constantly get feelings of wanting to go back home in the Midwest where most of my relatives are only a few hours away (and things feel more familiar, friendly, secluded, close by, and community based).. I would do that when I graduate but filmmaking seems to be my main interest/passion right now and except for maybe Chicago, I’ve had trouble finding filmmaking related jobs. I have that feeling of wanting to go back to how things used to be where I was in college, I’d relax around my parents house during the summer, go to my undergrad college for games and other stuff during the weekends and then visit my sister and her (now) husband and his folks only about 6 or 7 hours away. My parents are almost in their 70s and will retire next year and I’ve depended on and bonded with them for so long that I feel I don’t have that much time left with them and I want to spend as much time as possible with them but I can’t because my filmmaking interest keeps out in LA. LA’s nice but its so big, expensive, dirty, crowded, and scary because not only is It possible to get lost but I’ve heard about a lot of crime in the city too (I’ve been living there roughly a year and a half) and I’m scared to bring my car out here because not only are the freeways really nuts (I haven’t even gone on the freeways in the Midwest although those are a lot better) and crowded, but it feels like I’d be severing a tie somehow in bringing my car to LA from the Midwest (my parents and my sister encouraged me to come out here though.). After I graduate, finding a job will be even scarier because I had trouble getting a job in high school, I’m more of the creative type and a disability affects the motor skills in my hands and my thought process so that hinders my ability to do the more technical and business sides of filmmaking. If I did move back to the Midwest though, I’d probably have trouble finding a job I could be okay at much less a filmmaking one. On top of that, my social life has always had bad luck because people I’ve become good friends with have moved away, gone to another school, been in another class, or we’ve drifted away so I’ve never gotten to hang out with them on a consistent basis, while on the other hand, I always seem to be stuck with immature bullies or people who have completely different interests than I do/ and who I can’t really connect with and this has happened for years including here at graduate school so I just have this fear that once my parents are gone, I’ll be all alone. I know my sister and my brother-in-law are around and will help but my sister and brother in law just got married and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re going to have kids in the next few years and the other family members are as old as my parents or they’re raising their own kids and have their own lives and I don’t want to interfere with that so I’m just feel stuck, trapped and kind of hopeless. I’ve tried not to think about it but it keeps popping into my mind. I’ve had doubts about my filmmaking career too because while people have said my work is good, I know filmmaking is a long process that takes several years, which means less time away from my family, and even though my family wants to see my films, I’m kind of afraid to show them because I have these weird, bizarre ideas that are in the action/adventure, science-fiction, and fantasy genres and some of them are kind of dark, not to mention that they might get repetitive after a while because in all the ideas I have, the main character ends up pretty much like me and I know filmmakers have come up with a lot of different varieties of characters. I’ve written movie reviews on the side but I’m not sure how hard it is to become a critic at a paper and I’ve been so busy, I haven’t been able to keep up a consistent blog (although I’ll try in the next few months. I’d try online video reviews too but I don’t know how to get the footage for the movies for the review). Am I just being lazy? Am I overthinking things? Sorry about the long post. I just needed to write this down and get things off my chest. If anyone has any advice or tips/replies though, I appreciate it. Thanks for the article!

  24. Surprised Mac & Cheese

    I’m 22, but I just got my first job (I’m a college dropout) and I’m definitely having a QLC right now. Things I thought I was okay with suddenly terrify the living crap out of me. Admittedly, all it took to set me off was learning that, for the foreseeable future, I have to be at work by 6 AM.

    For even more fun, I work in a different store every workday (I take inventory). So I could be further away or closer, which will affect my sleep schedule quite a lot.

    I feel like something very important has been taken from me. I can’t even quite place it since I was listless & unmotivated to do anything until I briefly went looking for jobs and found this one. I knew some early-bird shifts were involved but I had no idea how much this company relied on them.

    Nor did I realize how much I would hate it.

  25. Adriana

    This has truly cleared my mind. I am 20 years old and I cannot believe I have found something that I can relate to so much. I currently encountered a moment in my life where I asked myself what is my next step in life? Should I have had my own dorm in college to to become more open minded? am I not being open minded? Am I too into a comfort zone? Am I boring? Why do i keep switching my major? Where will I be 10 years from now? I am I helping my mom enough at home when it comes to rent or food? I feel this sort of peace and relief just reading this. I went through a tough time in where I caught myself crying out of no where, broke up with my boyfriend, and cried with deep sorrow as I prayed to God. I felt like I had no purpose in life and instead of asking a cat I asked my dog why I couldn’t have her life. I can finally sleep tonight all thanks to you. God has answered my prayers.

    • Adriana

      with all the excitement please excuse my typos.

    • Paul Angone - All Groan Up

      Wow thank you Adriana for sharing your story and these amazing words of solace and encouragement for everyone going through a similar season of life.

      I’ve gone through many different times where I felt everything was changing and transitioning so much that I could barely stand. It gave me peace when I began to realize that there’s something of strange importance that happens to us when we’re stripped of the things we used to depend on. And that it’s better to ask ourselves hard, intentional questions, than just pretend that everything is perfect.

      It’s not easy, but it’s good.

  26. Sierra Copeland

    I am 22 and having a quarter-life crisis. I finish school with my bachelors degree in public relations in a couple of months. Now I’m questioning why I even went to school because I hated my internship and have no money. So I am going to have to move home with my mom because

  27. CJArse

    I just turned 27 and I’m panicking. I’m married, own a house, and have a good paying job…but something is missing. Is this the path I want to be on for the rest of my life? If not, what other path do I put myself on? How do I afford the change? How to find a balance between happiness and practicality? What if we want to have kids in 2-3 yrs? All of a sudden it feels like I ran out of “cushion time”. I’m here. Change is not so easy now with financial responsibilities and relationships already set. I don’t know how to find my way anymore.

    • Paul Angone - All Groan Up

      Thanks CJ for sharing your story! Really well-said. I definitely can relate. Honestly, I think the best way I can answer this question is with a 3-part video series I have running this week only called “UnStuck: How to Crush the Things Holding You Back.” I think it could help add some clarity. Thanks CJ.

      Here’s the link: http://signaturesauce.com/courses/get-unstuck

  28. Hansolo

    Reading this exposes that feeling of raw exposure, because I wouldn’t have thought that someone had experienced it too. That’s what growth is like! Blindly walking a path. IMO. Ahh, Life is amazing. (I’m 21)

  29. Davi da Silva

    I’m 23 with no college diploma and working with my dad at his small printing company. I live in Brazil and I’m having trouble to get into film school. I write screenplays and really want to follow this path. It’s being really difficult. I just bought the book 101 secrets for your twenties and will soon start reading it.

    I’ve been reading some of the articles here and they’re really good. Really helpful.

    • Paul Angone - All Groan Up

      Awesome Davi! Thank you for sharing your story and for snagging 101 Secrets For Your Twenties.

      I can definitely relate to chasing a dream and the uphill battle it takes to get there. Hope 101 Secrets encourages you to keep going. Excited to connect more Davi!

  30. Mila

    My situation is best described by a meme I saw on Instagram recently.

    18? Woo! 19? Woo! 20? Woo! 21? Woo! 22? Woo! 23? Wait… 24? Oh God 25? MAKE IT STOP

    And yeah, I searched tags under “quarter life crisis” hoping to find posts I could relate to.

    Basically, I’m lost af. I’m 24. I turned 24 last month. 6 years until I’m 30. My sister is 31. Of course she already has her life together. Loving relationship, nice apartment, a rewarding job she loves. Oh and she has her PhD.

    Than there’s me. I dont even have socks without holes in them. Please pray for me. 😂

    • Imari Babali

      I feel you Mila! In my part, I found this post and your comment while searching tags under “twenties and confused” though.

      I’ll pray for you, and pray for me too! Lol.

  31. Joy

    almost 19 y/o, college dropout, clouded mind even though knowing what i love to do but things doesn’t really appeal exciting. I can’t feel myself, had silent breakdowns for over a year now. I can’t seem to pull myself together. I tried to do things my own but ending up frustrating over them after a couple of months. Still always heads up, there’s always the night to cry on anyways. Thank you for the perfect description of this phase.

  32. Wissou

    I just found your website, read 21 Secrets for your 20s, that brought me here. And I cried. I didnt know before what I am going through and this heavy weight in my shoulders was because I am experiencing my quarter life crisis . I am so lost right now, FREAKED OUT to be honest.. But I keep hoping, working and looking for new paths/opportunities, “creating ” them if needed.
    Keep asking myself if : That’s it.
    Unemployed, no passion or career, stuck in university…
    It will be okay I guess. And the sun will shine on me too one day.
    Thanks to you I know now what I am going through and I am not alone in this .


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25 signs its a quarter life crisis

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