7 Biggest Secrets to Succeeding as a Real.Live.Adult



1. Rent. Food. Health and car insurance. Cell phone bills. College loans. Trips to the mechanic to fix something in your car you didn’t know existed. Yeah, these are all wait-they-can’t-be-serious more expensive than when life was on parent-support. Don’t worry the shock will wear off. But still, every time you write a rent check, an angel loses its wings.

2. Dating someone seriously makes life twice as complex. Getting engaged 3 times. Married x 5. Having a baby x 11. Baby, house, and a dog whose one goal in life is to crap on your living room carpet x 17. Second baby x 31. Third baby = At this point, math is no longer relevant to you.


 Photo Credit: Delphine Devos – Creative Commons


3. What is your “why?” is the most important question you can answer as a real.live.adult. Most adults are obsessed with “what” and “how”. “What do you do for living?” “How do you pay the bills” etc.

But the real.live.adults who are thriving care much more about their “why”.  As Simon Sinek explains in his TED Talk, “How great leaders inspire action“, great adults are driven by a cause. A purpose. A belief. A reason why.

You have a great idea you want to pursue? Awesome, so does everyone else. Why is this great idea vital to you and to this world? That’s the question real.live.adults ask every.single.day. Adulthood is filled with cement walls of “you can’t do this”. Your “why” is what dynamites impossible.


4. Growing up we sprint for defined periods of time. Cram for finals, so you can make it to three months of summer break. Adulthood, on the other hand, is doing dishes. Laundry. Bills. 8-5, M-F. The biggest shock of becoming a real.live.adult is realizing that Adulthood.Never.Stops.


Rocking your 20’s is sometimes nothing more glamorous than patient every-day-ness.


As an emerging adult twentysomething we want success on Day 3 when it’s actually penciled in for Day 3,767. Our dreams of doing big things is not necessarily the problem, our timeline is.


5. Frustration is an adults best friend, if we’ll let it. Yes, frustration is a complete jerk. It won’t sit there all polite and quiet-like. No, it will gnaw at our insides like an angry rat on a corncob. Until you freaking do something about it. That’s why we need it. Frustration forces change. So go ahead, be frustrated. Just make sure you do something productive about it.


6. Adulthood keeps on marching on and if you don’t take some breathers you’re bound to get elephant-trampeded.

– Breather idea #1: Take a Nothing Vacation. What’s a Nothing Vacation? Well, it’s a vacation where you do nothing. Absolutely. No sight-seeing. No family. No friends. Nothing. My wife and I just took one. No baby. No itinerary. Just sleep. Food. Books. Sleep. Drink. Pool. Food. Rinse. Repeat.

Breather idea #2: Celebrate the small. Did you nail a presentation. Manage a project that was a hit. Have an article published. Design a website. Be intentional to celebrate these achievements. Don’t let adulthood be white-washed with monotony.


7. When an “official” real.live.adult tells you it’s time to put on your “grown-up pants” that’s just their snarky code-phrase for it’s time to wear uncomfortable dress pants like them that are daily threatening to no longer fit, so that you can do something you highly dislike while encased in a cubicle, thinking about that dream you once had that you were too scared to pursue, the only highlight of your day now being birthday cake in the break room.

There’s too many real.live.dead.adults, for you to join the ranks. So if at some point you want to accidentally drop your “grown-up pants” in a real.live.fire, you have my blessing.


  1. John

    I swear, this website will single handedly get me through my twenties.

    • admin

      Ha! You’re awesome John. Thank you

    • Cariela

      Agreed!!! Paul keep up the damn good work =)

  2. Megan A.

    Here’s to giving the Grown Up Pants to Goodwill.

    To wearing tutus to work instead.

    To declaring “Pantless Fridays” and really meaning it… working from my couch, while “My So Called Life” marathons on my Roku box.

    And to squealing like a 7-year old girl each and every time I remember that I survived my 20s with dignity in tact and a bad ass job to boot.

    Cheers to you Paul… and your transcendent and juicy tidbits of wisdom that help us all trudge through this… together.

  3. admin

    Megan, if there ever was a contest for America’s Top Twentysomething Spokesperson, you’d have my vote every night.

    “transcendent and juicy tidbits of wisdom that help us all trudge through this… together.” ~ Thanks! Great compliment

  4. monique

    everything u write on here is so funny and makes me feel better about being in my 20’s lol (:


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