A Prayer for Every Twentysomething

A Prayer for Every Twentysomething

I pray that you will know that you’re enough even when it feels like you’re not accomplishing enough.

I pray that staring at the blank white walls in front of you won’t overwhelm you, but will give you the excitement to pick up a brush and paint.

I pray that you will listen to that small, still voice inside of you that is screaming to be heard.

I pray that you will, 

“Dream big and be faithful in the small.” 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties 

I pray that you will be plagued by peace even when the world feels infected by the contrary.

I pray you will define, refine, own, and hone who you are. That you will have the courage to find your signature sauce no matter how many failed experiments it takes to get there.

A Prayer for Every Twentysomething

I pray that you will create.  That you will walk through your day expecting to see something amazing. You’re living in a masterpiece. All you have to do is take notes.

I pray that you will give yourself grace in not knowing what you’re doing while you figure out what to do.

I pray you’ll have the courage to change. That you will never know the cold, confused complacency of thinking you’ve got it all figured out.

I pray that you’ll leave your phone out of the bathroom when you sit on the toilet because you don’t have to be online every second. And come on, I might need to borrow your phone someday and that’s just gross.

I pray that the heavy weight of all the unknowns will feel surprisingly light. (click to tweet)

I pray that the next movie you stream on Netflix will actually be worth your time.

I pray that when a friend calls, you will pick up the phone even when it doesn’t feel like the right time to talk. Because for many years in your twenties it might not feel like the right time to talk.

When it feels like God is not answering your prayers for all the big things you’re crying out for, I pray that you’ll see that maybe God is not ignoring you. Maybe God is saving your life.

I pray you will see God working even when you can’t see anything growing out of the ground.

I pray that you will mentor and be mentored. That you will intentionally seek out those who you can help and those who might want to help you.

I pray that at least once this year when everyone’s stuck in traffic that you will pull over in a field or parking lot and lay on the hood of your car.

I pray you won’t give up.

“Someone out there right now needs your dream, and neither of you know it.” – 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties

I pray that you’ll look a few people in the eyes this week and tell them how much you love them.

I pray that you will war for hope.

I pray that you won’t need to hit rock bottom before you begin your descent back up.

I pray that you will truly embarrass yourself once this year going for something that you feel completely incapable of going for. And that you’ll realize how much you can accomplish along the path to a failed end result.

“The possibility for greatness and embarrassment both exist in the same space. If you’re not willing to be embarrassed, you’re probably not willing to do anything great.” – 101 Secrets For Your Twenties

The next time you do a belly flop, I pray you’ll see that God is waiting there, ready to wrap your hurting body in a big warm towel.

I pray that when you feel like you’ve got nothing left, you will realize that you’ve got so much more. 

I pray that you’ll know when it’s time to run and when it’s time to crawl. When it’s time to work in a cubicle and when it’s time to light it on fire.

I pray you’ll know what season you’re in. When it’s time to plant and when it’s time to harvest. Keep working the ground.

I pray you’ll pursue big things without worrying too much about the results because

“Success in your 20s is more about setting the table than enjoying the feast.” – 101 Secrets For Your Twenties

This is my prayer for you.

PS – This prayer was written while sitting on the hood of my car during peak LA traffic. 

What’s your prayer? Let us know within the comments  on this article below. 


  1. Nisha Varghese

    Beautiful prayer

  2. BryanASands

    Powerful! I think I will pass this prayer on as well as pray it from time to time for my students!

  3. Melissa

    These are great! I’m in my mid-20’s and just moved to LA county, so finding a field during traffic hours would be an adventure for me since I’m unfamiliar with the area! 🙂

    • Paul Angone - All Groan Up

      Ha! Well any parking lot will do. That’s where I pulled over in LA to write this. Traffic jams are like the gift of time.

  4. Lindsay Watts

    I’m not a religious person by any means, but those first 4 really resonnate with me. Thank you for your powerful and inspiring words!

  5. Dani Alden

    This prayer felt like a rom com..like right when it hit me good, the next line made me laugh. Haha- thanks for the prayer, Paul. I would add something about not sweating the small stuff, everything will work out in the end. God doesn’t put us through it without a way through it… Thaaaaankfully 🙂
    I needed to hear this today, so thanks again!!

  6. Amanda Ortiz

    i loved this. Thank you

    • Paul Angone - All Groan Up

      Thanks Amanda! May your day be rocked with so much unexpected amazing that you don’t know what to do with it all.

  7. Jules Cohen

    Thank you for this! Been going through a really rough week of getting fired and potentially needing to move across the country or even out of the country for opportunities, which also means leaving everyone and everything I know!

  8. CN

    A quarter life crisis can happen at any age. Love the prayer, Keep up the good work. I need the prayer now more than ever at 60 . Contemplating life after 60. Feels a bit like 20 but the road ahead isn’t as long.

  9. CN

    Contemplating life after 60. Feels a bit like 20 but the road ahead isn’t as long.


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