10 Things Single Guys Want Single Girls to Know

Jonny Wikins - Creative Commons

Today we have a quick and insightful guest post from Professional Counselor, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta. Enjoy! 

Ever wish you could get a glimpse into the mind of the opposite sex?

Just to get a clue, I posed a question on social media asking single guys what word of advice they wanted single girls to know about interacting with them.

It was fun to see the answers come rolling in. Here are some of the favorites!

Jonny Wikins - Creative Commons

Photo by Jonny Wikins – Creative Commons

  1. If you’re interested- make it obvious. We’re not good with subtlety, and we definitely can’t read your mind.
  1. …And, by the way, we can’t read your mind.
  1. If you’re not interested- don’t play games.
  1. Always be yourself and celebrate your uniqueness. Don’t try to be something you’re not.
  1. If we ask you out, do us the favor of actually responding. Even if it’s a no – don’t just avoid answering.
  1. Don’t flaunt yourself. Believe it or not, modesty is attractive to a lot of us guys.
  1. Remember- we’re human, and we will make mistakes.
  1. Don’t blame all of us for the mistakes of some (or even the mistakes of one).
  1. Realize that we’ve got our own insecurities, too.
  1. Be patient with us. If we haven’t asked you out- there’s probably a good reason.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this post from the single ladies to the single guys!

We’d love to hear from you within the 3 Comments below: Single ladies, what did you think of their advice? Single guys, what are some other things you want single girls to know? 

Debra Fileta is a Professional Counselor, speaker, and author of the book True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life as well as the 21-Days To JumpStart Your Love-Life Program, where she writes candidly about dating, relationships, and how to find true love. You may also recognize her voice from her 100+ articles at Relevant Magazine or Crosswalk.com! She’s also the creator of the True Love Dates Blog!  Connect with her on Facebook or Twitter!


  1. GermanoPassion

    True that, you dont know what I had to go through. Its okay ladies to be shy, but its not okay to hide.

  2. Sean Chandler

    Most of these carry over into marriage in new and interesting and frustrating ways.


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