Do you listen to podcasts?
A friend asked me this question at coffee this week and I was a little ashamed of my answer.
No, not really.
For running for seven years now, it’s crazy how big of a podcast newbie I am.
I’ve got a running list of the best websites and blogs for twentysomethings. And the 35 best movies for Millennials and the 27 top non-fiction books for twentysomethings.
But podcasts? I really have no idea.
So I’d love to hear you brag on some of your favorite podcasts for Millennials, podcasts for twentysomethings, or frankly, podcasts for anyone with ears and a brain.
Share about your favorite podcasts for Millennials, or just podcasts for any and everyone, within the comments here at All Groan Up.
Even if it’s your own podcast and you’re proud, let’s hear about it!

Photo Credit: .v1ctor Casale. Flickr via Compfight cc
And I’d also love your opinion of podcasts I should reach out to be interviewed on, especially for my new book 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties coming out April 3rd! Crazy, it’s coming fast. Whether it’s podcasts I should reach out to because it specifically speaks to twentysomethings, or podcasts to parents and leaders of Millennials.
Help people discover the amazing podcasts you love that others need to be ear-bathing in.
Go ahead, let us know in the comments at All Groan Up.
I’ll start by mentioning a few of the favorite podcasts I’ve been on.
1. Entreleadership
I had a wonderful conversation about tips for leading Millennials on Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership podcast with host Ken Coleman (one of my absolute favorite hosts to talk to!). Entreleadership has amazing info for anyone leading, or wanting to lead.
2. Portfolio Life
Jeff Goins always brings a wonderful perspective on work, writing, and publishing, and I was honored to speak with him on how to live on purpose and not “die a slow death“.
3. Pivot Method
In a week I’m recording a podcast with my good friend Jenny Blake for her incredible resource, The Pivot Method Podcast. Always a treat to hear from, and talk to, the wonderful and wise Jenny Blake.
Alright, now let’s hear from you within the comments of this article. Let’s make this a great resource to promote the best podcasts for Millennials and twentysomethings.
Good list, gonna have to check those out! Ken Coleman’s other podcast/show (“The Ken Coleman Show”) is also a great one — it’s geared to help people discover and utilize their passions and talents in their careers.
The “Brant & Sherri Podcast” with Brant Hansen has also become one of my favorites; it’s a fun, quirky podcast that talks about faith and life in an engaging way with a wonderful community. He’s awesome! Link:
Thanks Joel! Yes, I love Ken Coleman’s other podcast as well. Great suggestions.
My favorites are Tim Hawkins “Poddy Break” at, and “The Wally Show” on WAYFM. Another podcast millennials may enjoy is EarBiscuits, hosted by Rhett and Link.
Thanks Lisa! I hadn’t heard of these and am excited to check them out!
My favorite podcast for millennials navigating college and life after college is “The College Info Geek” podcast. Thomas Frank and Martin Boehme have great content that helps listeners become both effective students in college and effective students of life after college.
Thanks Julia! I definitely will check this one out. Sounds great.
A fantastic podcast for people of all ages is Stuff You Should Know. It’s run seamlessly, the topics are always super interesting, and it really fosters a lifelong-learning environment.
Other great ones: The 5AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders on the topic of productivity. The Moth has amazing storytelling for gaining a broadened perspective on the lives of everyday people. Can’t go wrong with the Art of Manliness podcast, even as a female listener. I’d also give a shout out to the Dave Ramsey podcast – we millennials really need to get this finance thing down 🙂
My favorite podcast that I never miss is from Relevant Magazine. The first half is the cast going over hot topics and usually going off on a hilarious tangent, and the second half are interviews with bands, authors, pastors, etc. The cast are all millennials and totally understand our mindset.