Best Graduation Tip and Chalkboard Question: “What is the Worst Job Post-College

Worst Job Interviewed for Post-College


We all know now that “dream jobs” didn’t exactly fall at our feet after college like we envisioned when crossing that graduation stage. So this week’s Chalkboard Question is…

Worst Job Interviewed For or Worked Post-College

The worst job I interviewed for was for a used airplane parts sales assistant. One – because who really wants to assist someone in selling used airplane parts. And two – because I had a major anxiety attack mid-interview when I realized I’d been flying around this whole time in planes with used parts! You can read about the whole experience and what the temp agency who set up the interview thought when I turned it down (not happy) in the chapter of my book titled Top Ramen Dreamer, which you can download here.

Let’s hear it! Share your worst job worked or interviewed for since college via the comments below. The comment of the week will be featured next week on All Groan Up.

Which brings us to this week’s Chalkboard Comment of the Week…

Chalkboard for What we Should Have Heard at College Graduation...

Congrats Michelle! So very true…

Two honorable mentions for top things we should have heard at graduation…

“You are NOT too good for that job. (This may include making balloon animals for five years)” ~ Lindsay

“You’re all idiots for taking out this much in loans” ~ Chris via Facebook (Wish you would’ve showed up at my admissions interview to stop me…)

Can’t wait to hear from all of you this week. Those jobs and interviews become a lot better when we can laugh about them later!

Worst Job Interviewed For or Worked Post-College


  1. Alissa

    Waking up at 3:30AM to drive an hour to stock Little Debbie snacks at Walmarts in the super sketchy part of town, getting hit on each week by 50-year-old, toothless guys stocking the meat section.

    • admin

      Alissa…Priceless…probably not then, but now…absolutely priceless…

  2. Zack

    I worked with this one guy at an office where he had just started a long distance relationship with a girl he met on a work trip. The guy would leave work and drive to see his girlfriend and they’d meet halfway in a parking lot. Stay up all night “talking” and then he would drive back directly to work wearing the same clothes he wore the day before.

    • admin

      Zack, please don’t drink while leaving comments. It a little awkward for everyone else

  3. Amy

    I worked for 5 weeks as a secretary for a medical billing office. So most of my conversations went like this. Unsuspecting stranger, “What do you do for a living?” Me: “I’m a secretary in a medical billing office.” Unsuspecting stranger, “Oh.”

    • admin

      Amy – Oh yes the dreaded “what do you do” question. When I was unemployed it was the question I dreaded the most. I would often think, “If I have to spin unemployed one more time to this person who could really care less, I might just officially become a recluse and eat bugs in the desert…”

  4. Adam

    I worked at a DirecTV call center answering calls about billing problems and taking orders for Pay Per Views. Worst thing I’ve ever done. I’ve had the distinct privilege of having my life threatened over television.

  5. Chad

    I had a boob job.

    At the time, America’s largest manufacturer of breast implants.

    • admin

      Haha..Boob job. Chad well played. I think they were the biggest employer of recent grads at our school. We sure didn’t hear about that before graduation did we?

  6. Will

    TJ Maxx Head Cashier at the service desk. . .customers switched prices, tried to steal stuff, passed fake bills and checks, hit my cousin (who also worked there) in the head with a pillow, wanted to return used panties (yes, had stains as proof). Coworkers were mad because I forced them to keep the checkout lines down and kept them from “doing their real job.” Management got pissed when I had to change my hours for grad school. My register started coming up short… $20 here $5 there. I found out who the thief was, called their “tip line” to no avail, waited til the day after Christmas (busiest return day of the year), arrived out of uniform 5 minutes before they opened and quit on the spot. My cousin said the lines were long alllllllllllllll day!

    • admin

      Will – I’m pretty sure you just described every TJ Max I’ve ever been too. Thank you for taking us behind the scenes in what sounds like yes, one of the worst jobs in the history of jobs. You had me with rolling. Seriously, used underwear! That’s just wrong…

  7. Naomi

    I worked at the One Hour photo lab at Walmart for a summer. People didn’t understand the concept of a “family” store and “no nude or crude pics”. They would get angry and yell when we refused to process (or after we processed a roll of film that they did not disclose the contents of). We saw almost everything. One coworker would collect his favorite photos (illegally of course) and keep them in his secret stockpile (Creepy!). Think twice before you process pictures anywhere.

  8. Jay

    Hey Chad – I think we had the same job!

  9. Brandon

    Little late to this party…but after getting a masters degree the only job that I could find to apply for was at a hospital in the morgue doing autopsies. Luckily I didn’t get it and ended up being unemployed for 4 months before the next great opportunity knocked….I think that is lucky..right?

    • admin

      Brandon – Morgue. Autopsies. Hospital. Yeah I think I would take 4 months unemployed any day… Sure you might feel dead, but at least you don’t have to touch anyone who actually is.

  10. Tinker Barnett

    Seems the misery is in customer interaction? What is it with people today? Integrity – anyone?


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