Polarize Like Tim Tebow

Picture of Tim Tebow Polarizing As He Does Best


Tim Tebow is the most polarizing figure today in the National Football League.

You might care for football like a cat cares to drive a stick-shift, but the polarizing effect of Tim Tebow is something worry to discuss.



Why do people either love or hate him? Why do people passionately debate on either side? To one — Tim Tebow the Second Coming. The other — The Joke Without a Cause.

Does Tim Tebow polarize because of an un-orthodox throwing motion? Or his faith? His success? Or his failures?

No. Tim Tebow doesn’t polarize because of any of these things.

No, he polarizes because of all of them.

Tim Tebow polarizes because he doesn’t fit the bill of what it’s supposed to look like.

He acts, speaks, believes, throws, tries, different than most, if not all. Tim Tebow doesn’t play the game like people think he should. He plays it like he knows he needs too. He won’t stop being himself.

Because really, who else is he supposed to be?

Polarize Like Tim Tebow

Picture of Tim Tebow Polarizing As He Does Best

If you don’t polarize, well,  you don’t stand for anything.

Simple as that.

Chameleons blend in. That’s their gift. They change their colors to fit the background around them.

If you play the game like everyone else, no one will ever mention your name. Bad or good.

If you polarize. If you rock the boat. Some people will fall in the water. And will yell obscenities at you while they do.

You can be Bob Johansen. Or Tim Popplemeyer. Or Julie Wakefield.

Or a Martin Luther. Or John Adams. Or Abraham Lincoln.

Sure, we can complain and make excuses about, If Only… We can be forgettable by forgetting who we are.

Or we can break out. We can be different. We can have an opinion and die for it.

And while you have the choice to sit at your desk in obscurity every 8-5, who wants to go into history without ever making their mark in it?

So go.

GO polarize like Tim Tebow.

Why not?


  1. Zack

    I love Tebow exactly for the reasons you listed. Thanks for having the guys to stand for something Paul! Keep writing the world needs to hear your words!!!!

  2. Paul

    Thanks Zack! Much appreciated

  3. Lou

    Great article Paul. You gave us two profound quotes; “If you don’t polarize well, you don’t stand for anything”, and “We can be forgettable by forgetting who we are.” Great wisdom!

    • Paul

      Thanks Lou!

  4. Lindsay

    As a big Denver Broncos fan, I’m rooting for Tebow to succeed! You’re right that people who stand firm in who they are will attract followers and haters.

    What I also appreciate about Tebow is that he is steady and confident in who he is while still maintaining a humble attitude.

    • Paul

      Thanks Lindsay. Exactly right.

  5. ModParent

    Thanks for the inspiration. Love Tebow!

    • admin

      Thanks ModParent


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