Why Monday Can Be Glorious

Monday Morning Needs Coffee Picture


Monday Morning Needs Coffee Picture

Have you ever walked into your office and your co-workers are so excited its Monday they’re skipping through the halls like seven-year-olds at a chocolate factory?

Yeah...me neither.

If my 8:00 AM was met with Monday morning praises decking the halls, I’d probably be wondering what everybody was really putting in their coffee mug. (Note to Self: Whiskey on Monday? Look into it. )


Monday morning is rarely anyone’s best friend, companion, or even estranged acquaintance.  Since we’ve joined the World of Employeedom, some Monday’s have been met with ambivalence. Other Monday’s anxiety. Some annoyance.  Some a true sense of fulfillment and excitement. But unfortunately most Monday mornings feel like we just downed five Big Mac’s while simultaneously riding on a Tilt-o-Wheel as a clown methodically laughs in our face.

Basically, I haven’t seen people clamoring to join the I Love Monday Facebook group.


Is our lack of Monday morning excitement just a case of a bad attitude, or is it the fact that our Monday’s, than Tuesday’s, etc, etc, is not fully what we want to be doing with our lives?

While I know there’s many Monday’s I have chosen to make terrible, I also think how a person feels on this special day is a pretty accurate signifier on whether or not their job is aligning with their life’s strengths, dreams, and goals.


I mean what if you and I lived in this crazy world where our Monday’s were met with sheer excitement? What if our job was so deeply fulfilling that on Sunday we could hardly wait to go to bed just so Monday could arrive?

What if Monday and Friday were close siblings instead of estranged second cousins?

I want my Monday’s to be met with expectation. Not a superficial feeling that I have to talk myself into, but a deep knowing that each Monday is the first step towards a kick-ass week of pursuing a life that I’m amped to pursue.

I don’t want to stumble past my life. I want to live on purpose. Monday’s included.


While I understand that no matter how fulfilling our jobs there will always be those Monday’s when our snooze button is set on perpetual repeat.

And I understand that no matter the circumstance each of us has a certain amount of choice to make Monday something to anticipate or to dread. We will always have the choice whether or not to make Monday glorious.

However, I truly believe that if we were truly walking out our life’s purpose, the gloriousness of Monday won’t just be a choice, but a reality.

And that’s my goal.

Anyone with me?


On the scale from 1 to Nauseous, how do you feel most Mondays?

Is the possibility of Monday being the most anticipated day of your week a fool’s dream or an already realized actuality?


  1. Alexis

    Yes yes yes! This post makes me so happy, because I want my Mondays to be exciting and not something to dread. And if “exciting” is too much to ask, I’d settle for “doesn’t make me want to fake being sick.”

    • admin

      “doesn’t make me want to fake being sick.”. Classic line and so true. Thought that ended in 7th grade? Notttaaa chance.

      That mid-afternoon weekday TV line up is just so tempting.

  2. Megan

    I love this post. Partly because I’m proud to say I LOVE Mondays (minus the sleep-deprivation part). I dreaded Mondays until I took a flying leap into my big girl job – the beginnings of my dream career. I think you’re spot on about “walking out our life’s purpose”. Monday’s get exponentially better as we get closer to finding that place called purpose.

    • Paul

      “Monday’s get exponentially better as we get closer to finding that place called purpose.” Very well said Megan as usual

  3. Justice Wordlaw IV

    Monday’s have turned into one of my most productive days of the week where I accomplish the most and started to really look forward to the day. Maybe that is because I enjoy the jobs I get to be involved with and the amazing skype and texting conversations I get to have as well. The people that place the angry messages that Monday has arrived are the ones that are probably not using the skills that can better help a company that they could really enjoy working for.

    • Paul

      Justice – Exactly right. So in your experience have you seen an evolution of sorts in relation to Monday’s? Has it always been like this for you or is it something you have cultivated?

      • Justice Wordlaw IV

        This was something that I have really developed over the past year of reading and focusing on self development. Monday’s are what you make of it. Either you’re going to be the grinch who stole Monday or the person that understands the power of having an productive day.

  4. Sarah Noonan

    Optimism is definitely important, but there is this thing called barriers to entry into the labor market, and I’ve come to find they’re particularly high for Dream Jobs. After a weekend of writing about how I want to Change The World, going back to the Day Job plain sucks sometimes. I’m really happy for the people that love what they do, and I know in the big picture I’m pretty happy with my life, but some weeks, it’s a countdown to Friday. This one included. Hopefully I’m on the way.

    • Paul

      Well said Sarah! As we trudge along sometimes on the path of becoming All Groan Up, the chasm as to what we HOPE to be doing and what we actually are can seem as far and wide as a the Grand Canyon.

      So I think the evolution of Mondays going from the worst to best day is either an internal choice or an external change — and maybe sometimes both. It’s either stepping out of the Suck job into the chasm, not knowing when or if a net will catch you. Or it’s a choice to learn and grow to the fullest extent where you are at to better prepare for that leap.


  5. Naomi

    This is GOOD STUFF, Paul! I have wondered at times whether Mondays can ever feel like a Friday. I am finally beginning to see it in the horizon. As a new mom, since all days seem to now endlessly flow into one another, I can’t remember most days whether it IS Monday or Friday. So I guess, in a way, Monday has become Friday and vice versa. And of course, I LOVE what I do in being a Mom.:)

    • admin

      Naomi! Too funny. Having a baby definitely changes, well, pretty much everything! Especially the meaning behind the day of the week. So glad you’re embracing full-throttle your role of being a mom. And call this an informed hunch, but I’m guessing you’re the best mom that has ever graced this earth (granted I might be a little impartial…)


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