Kid President Speaks the Truth: “You Were Made to be Awesome”



If you haven’t been one of the 112 gazillion people to be pep talked by Kid President yet, it’s time to be slathered in awesome.

Because you were made to be awesome.

Even if life has gone 3.4% according to plan.

  — You were made to be awesome.

Even if you go to parties and avoid the “so, what do you do?” question like it’s karaoke.

  — You were made to be awesome.




Even if all your friends are experiencing the success you were promised. Even if you were just demeaned by a boss who wears his insecurities around like a neck tie. Even if you feel more alone than the time you were five years old and got lost at the county fair. Even if you just cried to God for help, and you’re still waiting for an answer.

You’ve got an idea inside you Einstein might have tried to steal.

You’ve got a dream inside you that would’ve made Walt Disney sign you to a five-year contract.

You’ve got a song inside you that would make Bon Jovi stand up and buy you a drink.

You’ve got a dance inside you that would make Beyonce stop and say, “Show me that again.”

You’re one BMFOA – Bad Motha Full of Awesome.

Still don’t believe me? Maybe you’ll listen to the President.


  1. Megan

    Paul, I love you. And I absolutely love how this video influenced you and how you wrote about it here.

    You, too, were made to be awesome, man. And you’re totally living up to it. <3 Thanks for sharing your take on this video.

    • admin

      Ha. Thanks Megan. You’re a radiating example of what it takes to be a BMFOA.


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