I, __________, am a twentysomething and I am exploring.
Or I’m lost?
I’m not sure which one.
I brought supplies. I prepared. I thought I knew the way, but I think I took a left when maybe it was supposed to be a right?
Or a left, then a right, then a left? Or right, right, left…oh I dunno.
Nothing looks familiar. The birds circling above me seem to be growing in numbers. And I’m scared, to be honest. Actually, I think FREAKED OUT would be more accurate.
I don’t have a map, my mom, Pocahontas, or a furry little animal to show me the way back home.

Creative Commons: Entrer dans le rêve
But wait, where’s home? What’s home?
That’s why I went exploring in the first place — to find that place where I could unpack my clothes and start my life. How can I go back to something that I set out to discover? How can I go back to something that no longer exists?
Home is the new world. I will find it or die trying.
OK, not really die trying. That sounded dramatic so I wrote it.
No, really, I was dying waiting.
I was dying when my nights were spent exploring Netflix hoping to discover some B movie to forget about my D + life.
Sure I’m scared now. More than ever. But I’m also alive now too. I have a certain focus. A certain kind of adrenaline and drive fueling me, compelling me to keep going.
Yeah, I’m lost. But that was the point. Being lost might be the exact spot that I will be found.
You have to get lost to explore.
Explorers get lost on purpose, with purpose. Explorers only find something greater if they first lose site of the familiar.
I will not wait here. I will not hesitate. When morning comes I will move forward. All explorers have to get lost. That’s when they make their biggest discoveries.
I, __________, am a twentysomething and I am an explorer.
Is there anyone out here exploring too?
When I got the email saying that you had a new post, I was sitting at an airport after saying my first “real” goodbye to my parents headed to London to study abroad. I was terried. Every ounce of my being was telling me that I was going to fail. Heck, I was headed to a foreign country alone. What was I thinking?! Then I read this. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m pretty sure I read it over about 4 times just so it would sink in, and I’ll probably continue to read it every day that I’m in London. I think the part that really got me was, “Explorers only find something great if they first lose sight of the familiar.” I even quoted it in my first London blog post 🙂 Going to college was unfamiliar, but it was at least in my home state (Texan and proud) and I knew a couple of people on campus, so this is my first actual step out of the familiar.
I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. I was doubting myself, but when I read this, it gave me the reassurance that I am a strong, independent woman with a lot of European adventures on the horizon, and that’s nothing to be scared of.
Dlaine — Wow, is all I can say. Thank you for sharing your story and I’m amazed at the perfect timing.
“European adventures” sounds like a great way to get lost to me 🙂
I’m here! I love that quote, “Lost on purpose, with purpose” and i can definitely identify with it. I think a lot of people don’t get why i am choosing to take an Americorps job that i know little about and that will essentially require me to live out of a duffel bag as i move from place to place over the next several months, but i’m doing it with purpose. And for the first time in a long time i’m gonna be really living (i finally can ditch the netflix – or hulu as the case may be). Thanks for the post!!!
Samantha – You’re definitely doing “lost on purpose, with purpose” right! Congratulations for not choosing comfortable