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Changing the world and simplicity seem to go together like peanut butter and pickles. The two just don’t mix.
I want to make a difference and do something important, and yet most days, I feel like I’m falling woefully short. Can you relate?
But what if making an impact is much easier than we make it? What if we could do it right now? Here are a few simple ways we can.

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1. Stay the Course
What if changing the world can be accomplished more in the daily, consistent, small choices of our day than in the epic and big?
When we think of world changers, we think of their culminating moments. Martin Luther King Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech. Nelson Mandela and becoming president of South Africa. We think of these events as the moment when they “changed the world”.
But those big moments never happen without the thousands of small, consistent, hard choices that led up to them.
If Nelson Mandela didn’t lean into his purpose, even while exiled in prison for 27 long years, then the radical reconciliation he brought later never happens. Their is something revolutionary to staying consistent in the small and daily.
You don’t build a house with the final brick.
You start with the foundation, then lay brick after brick, board after board. If you rush the beginning, it all falls apart.
2. Partner with Organizations who are Making a Difference
Where we spend our money or don’t, makes a difference.
And I think an amazing trend in today’s world is when companies intentionally and positively impact the world, even when their “business” doesn’t have to do that.
For example, what if you could help change the world by filing your taxes? Seems to go together like peanut butter and pickles again. But, who I’ve partnered with for a second year in a row because I love what they’re about, is not only a great online website to file your taxes. They also take $2 for every take return filed and give it to Healing Waters International to help give people clean, safe, water. has taken an obligatory task and created an impact with it that has already funded 5.3 million gallons of clean water! They don’t have to do that, they choose too.
I’d much rather be doing business with companies who are positively changing the world with their business than companies who are only about their bottom line.
Where you spend your money makes a difference, so why not do it with companies that are exponentially multiplying that impact? Again, those small, daily, intentional choices add up.
3. Make 3-Month Goals
The fewer goals I have, the more unmotivated I feel. The more TV I watch. And not too surprisingly, the less I get done.
Yet, world changers have a simple formula: They make short-term goals tied into a long-term vision.
Their dreams are broken down into doable chunks. They know what they’re accomplishing in the small to obtain the big.
The power of making, and accomplishing, short-term goals is that you build momentum. Confidence. Your far-off dream starts coming into view.
Do you have a big dream that feels unattainable? What are 1-2 obtainable things you can do in the next three months to take steps towards it?
There is power to staying focused on your dream and chipping away at it like a sculptor with a large piece of marble. A masterpiece is created stroke by stroke.
You make an impact every time you sit down and do the work.