Millennials Greatest Weakness and How We Overcome

Picture of Millennial Chugging Whip Cream


The Millennial Generation’s success will hinge on how we overcome our greatest weakness.

Sure, stereotyping Millennials/Gen Y has become a more popular pastime than baseball.

And I understand that we don’t know Gen Y as well as we think we do.

Picture of Millennial Chugging Whip Cream
Photo RL Johnson – Creative Commons


But I do think a majority of us Millennials have a weakness. And we must it address it now. I mean NOW! Whyhaven’twefixedityet?!

Which leads me to…

The Millennial Generation’s Greatest Weakness




Patience isn’t sexy.

Patience isn’t something our culture exactly celebrates. Gen Y included.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Millennials are not exactly experts at waiting. Who can blame us? Millennials day-to-day reality is built around the concept that waiting is no longer relevant.

We are the proud members of the Nextflix, iPad, iTunes, Facebook, streaming, instant-everything, give-it-to-me-NOW generation. I thought success in my 20’s would be the same way – instant, downloadable, and fully customizable at the touch of a screen.

The time, effort, and art of making a mixed tape is over.

And I myself, don’t exactly excel at patience. I’m the five year old whose crying on the floor because I didn’t get my cookie. After college, I thought I’d just pull up to the Destiny Drive-Thru and place my order, “Yes, I’d like a medium fry, burger with no onions, chocolate shake, and the exact purpose and plans for the next sixty years of my life. Thanks.”

“What? Did you say that would take ten minutes? What kind of operation you guys running here?”

I felt entitled to so much and expected so little time and struggle to get there.

The Millennial Generation wants it our way. What happens when our way becomes no way in hell?

Patience Paradigm Shift

After years of frustration and feeling like somehow culture, my teachers, and God had let me down, I understand now that God in his infinite grace did not allow the big to happen when I demanded it. If I would’ve received the glamorous, big life I dreamed of — it would’ve been like putting a semi-truck on my shoulders. I would’ve been crushed. My legs weren’t ready.

If I’d have received all the cookies I demanded, I’d weigh 350 pounds.

Because the time, effort, struggle, frustration — these are not punishments or failures.

No, struggle is a key part of the preparation. Just like an Olympic athlete puts in years of training to be ready when their time comes.

Without the hard work there will be no accomplishment.

We can’t be strengthened if there is no resistance.

We have to learn to fail without then calling ourselves a failure.

Sure we’ve all had the cocky kicked out of us a little by this Great Recession. And maybe that’s not the worst thing. The higher the obstacles, the bigger the party on the other side.

“Do not despise these small beginnings….” (Zechariah 4:10)

We can’t allow our unrealistic expectations kick the crap out of our emotions every day.

Life sometimes will suck before its sweet.

We must be patient.

And we must start now.

What do you think?


Photo Credit: RL Johnson


  1. Jacqui

    I couldn’t have thought of a better analysis of our generation. We just have to practice patience and tact in our approach towards life’s challenges.


    • Paul

      Thanks Jacqui

  2. Hattie B

    Spot on. And thanks for reminding me of the labour of love that was making a mix-tape! 🙂

  3. Paul

    Thanks Hattie!

  4. Lydia

    You are absolutely right. (I just found you via Joy Eggerichs – great site!!)
    2 years after I graduated, one of my professors shared a concept that completely changed my perspective: the 10,000 hour rule. Anyone who has become truly great at anything, got that way because they’d put at least ten thousand hours into it. No less. No exceptions.
    I’ve got to stop imagining there’s a shortcut to greatness.

    • admin

      Thanks Lydia. Great thoughts here. Isn’t the 10,000 rule an incredibly nauseating, yet freeing, concept?! Sickening because it means we need to get our butts in gear and really start working. Freeing because it gives us permission to risk and pursue without fearing the lure of instant success.

  5. Brittany

    I love the part in the Tom Hanks movie A League of Their Own when he says ” It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great. ” Nothing great was ever easy, but always worth it.

  6. jim

    Brilliant! Simply brilliant!

    Old guy who’s been there/done that.

    Love your blog.


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