Friday’s Freaking Best of the Week: Oregon Trail Dating and Marcel the Talking Shell

Marcel the Shell Picture

I know we were all beginning to have our doubts if this week, Friday would forget who it was and be a no show. But gee golly great, it remembered and has blessed us with it’s presence once again. Don’t scare us like that AGAIN Friday or we’ll sick Monday and Wednesday on you…

Marcel the Shell Picture

So here’s a recap of some of the top things this week from around the World Wide Web Connection Online Thing, pertinent for Groan Ups — those of us in between growing and grown.



1. First Comes Baby, then, maybe, Marriage

An interesting look at the way the Millennial Generation views the importance of parenthood and marriage.

First, for those of us confused with, who or what, the Millennial Generation even is, The Millennial Generation aka Gen Y aka Gen Next aka Net Generation aka Echo Boomers aka We’re So Cool and Ambiguous We Need Five Different Generational Titles (I wonder why this is confusing?) was born somewhere between the mid-70’s or early 80’s (again depending on what scholar you read) all the way until 2000.

The article linked above is an interesting look into how the I-Can-Do-It Myself-So-Back-the-Frick-Off Generation views the importance of marriage.

“More than half the members of this so-called Millennial Generation believe being a good parent is “one of the most important things” in life, but only 30 percent say the same about having a successful marriage….”

Many Generations have tried before to make marriage irrelevant. But will we finally succeed?

2. Avoid Cliches Like The Plague

My virtual friend, Matt from The Church of No People, enlightens us with a hilarious look at the perils of using game-changing phrases just to appear relevant so that you can cast a vision to go ahead and change the world!


Kevin, in response to the article 3 Life Lessons From Playing Oregon Trail:

My strategy was to name every person in my wagon, except me of course, a name of a girl I liked or liked me in school. That way, by the end, when invariably it would be down to me and one surviving girl because the others had drowned or been kidnapped by Indians (did I just make that up?), I would know who I should be with.

I’m not sure how that applies to real life now. I do wish I had planned ahead better though, in retrospect. Coulda saved a lot of drownings potentially. Oh well, live and learn, and Lacey Mast, welcome to Oregon.


A big thank you to my friend Trisha for introducing me to Marcel the Shell. Definitely TOPS of the tops video for Groan Ups this week, but dare I ask,”compared to what?!


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