Before You Quit, Do These Three Things

Today’s guest post is from aspiring author, blogger, and coach Drew Tewell. Join him on journey to his dream job at Maybe even start your own. You can also follow him on Twitter.

Have you ever felt like you are never going to make it?

Like you have been waiting and waiting and you wonder when something is going to happen.

Maybe it is school.

Maybe it is work.

Maybe it is a relationship.

I have been experiencing this myself lately. I am an aspiring author, blogger, and coach, a journey that I have spent the last 5 years on.

Recently, I was given some advice from someone I respect and decided to make a change in direction. At first I felt good about it. But after a while, the uncertainty started to take a toll on me.

I even wondered if I should be pursuing these aspirations at all.

Here are three things that I did to get me back on track:

1. Get advice from people you trust
I talked to my wife, a good friend, and also a couple of mentors. This is important because whenever you begin to start thinking negative thoughts, it is always good to talk to other people about them. You do not want to end up discouraged and isolated, which can lead to something worse.

Get the negative thoughts out in the open and quickly process them with someone you trust.

2. Look at what you have already accomplished
I made a list of all the things I had achieved over the last five years. Doing something similar will allow you to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

This is also important because it will help you focus on how far you have come instead of how far you have to go.

3. Come up with some new plans
I thought of some good ideas that I think have some great potential. As you begin to think about your future and all of the possibilities, you can regain the enthusiasm and excitement you had before.

Even today, the ideas are still flowing.

Really. Good. Ideas.

In my experience, whenever I go through some really tough times, they are usually followed by something new and exciting that was just waiting around the corner. Like a final test before moving to the next level on the road to where I want to be.

Remember, reaching our goals and dreams will take some time and success does not come overnight. We all get discouraged from time to time, but it is important not to stay that way.

Next time you find yourself getting down because you have not yet arrived at your desired destination, do not let it drag out. Instead, talk to someone about it, remember how far you have come, and get inspired with some new ideas.

You never know what is right around the corner!



  1. Dave Arnold

    Great post, Drew! And Paul, I love your site. I think having people we can trust & who can inspire us to keep going & not give up is huge. Nicely said.

    • admin

      Thanks Dave! Honored.

    • Drew Tewell

      Thanks, Dave! Life and our dreams are done best together.


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