Acne Scars of Understanding

Picture of a Wooden Face


Picture of a Wooden Face


Picture via the talented Amanda Tipton – Creative Commons


I was in a Grand Opening in 8th grade.

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8th grade was my Acne Grand Opening. I burst onto the zit-scene with a pimple on the tip of my nose the size of Cuba. It was so big that rumors spread throughout my school that I had a tumor. Which of course I didn’t deny, because while you can make fun of the kid with a giant pimple, the kid with the tumor is off-limits. So I lucked out.

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As I entered into high school, acne remained my constant companion. The only difference between middle school and high school was that I now had two thousand people to make fun of me for it.  And the tumor thing had run its course.

Acceptance is a weird concept when you hope no one looks you in the face. It’s hard to make friends when a good day is making it through unnoticed. Insecurity is a double edge sword: I desperately wanted to be noticed … while staying completely invisible. I can still hear my desperate self now, screaming out to God to remove my teenage leprosy. Year after year after year.


To read the rest, please check out The People of the Second Chance where I have the honor of guest posting today. Thank.



    • admin

      Thank you Tom. It’s been a pleasure to meet you these last few weeks. Great post on your end. Well said!

  1. Jacqui

    I could not have thought of a better way to snap oneself out of a victimisation mentality.
    Thank you for posting such an encouraging article on a very sensitive topic!

    • admin

      Thank you Jacqui for the compliment and encouragement. I seriously never, ever thought I would be writing about something that was so painful. So glad to see now the redemption and beauty emerge from something I felt was so ugly.

  2. brand

    I recommend Dermapen for acne scars available at Physician Skincare Centre.


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