Chalkboard Week One Winner and Chalkboard Question Two: If My Twenties Were a Movie

If My 20's Were a Movie...


The Chalkboard Question of the Week  is…

If My Twenties Were a Movie...

Respond to the question via comments below and share on Facebook by pressing the “Like Button” above. Best answer will be voted on Sunday night, March 20th by the All Groan Up viewing public. Want to be in on the vote? Then join the All Groan Up Facebook Page. The winning answer will be  featured on the All Groan Up Homepage Monday, March 21st. Let the race begin!

Chosen by the All Groan Up voting public in a closer race than Bush Vs Gore, last week’s Chalkboard Question winner for “I’ll feel like a real adult when…” comes from Kate with…

I'll Feel Like an Adult When...I'll Feel Like an Adult When My first reaction to finding out a friend is pregnant is “congratulations!!” instead of “holy &^%$, what happened!

In a very close and honorable second place came Julian’s “I’ll feel like a real adult when…the last of the ketchup bottle makes a fart noise and I don’t laugh.” Julian your parents would proud!

Thank you to everyone for their amazingly Groan Up answers. Can’t wait to see who wins this weeks…

If My 20's Were a Movie...



  1. Julian Salyer

    a dark comedy starring zach braff as himself in an existential indy flick where the storyline revolves around Zach realizing that he is playing himself. Essentially, it’s a movie with a lot of work and zero progression.

    • admin

      Julian! Well said sir. I think you might have something here. I’ll have my people call Zach’s people and see if we can’t get something going

  2. Emily

    … a flick that starts out as an intentionally hilarious Rom Com, then transitions abruptly, unsanctimoniously, and devoid of cinematic pinache into a rather Truman-Show-esque documentary with unintentionally humorous foibles and meager levels of redemption. But I find $20 as the credits roll.

    • admin

      Emily, I would definitely go watch this movie, especially if I also could find $20 at the end. Sounds like 500 Days of Summer meets Truman Show meets Super Size Me – without the fast food. Let me know when you want to write the script…

  3. Naomi

    “Legally Blonde” meets “Salt” with a dash of “Forrest Gump” – all played by Freida Pinto

    • admin

      Naomi – love it! This is mix of sweetness better than a bag of M&M’s. And you know how much I love M&M’s. Sounds like your 20’s have been one adventurous ride!

  4. Jocelyn

    Let’s just call it “50 First Dates” … nuff said 😉

    • admin

      Ha! Jocelyn I can’t exactly remember that one but if I know my romantic comedies, I’m pretty sure the ending is going to be worth watching

    • admin

      Will – If you’re playing the lead role on this one, I’m buying a ticket.

  5. Cathy Wagner

    Wouldn’t want to do my 20s again – ask my friends.

    • admin

      Cathy – Not sure if people are going to come out in droves for this one 🙂

  6. David Brandon

    This is a tough one. Some times when I go on a mission trip I feel like it’d be something along the lines of Blood Diamond or War/Dance, something interesting and intense. Other times it’s like one of those films I wouldn’t even recommend watching, one of those goofy buddy comedy’s like “Without A Paddle” or perhaps “Dumb and Dumberer”. Not Dumb and Dumber, it’s been funny but not that funny. Though I wish I had that dog van.

    • admin

      How about Dumb and Dumber dog van meets Blood Diamond? I see Sundance winner…

  7. Houri

    If my 20s were a movie, they would be:

    Around the World In 80 Days

    Traveling the world, always staying one step ahead of trouble and the law, and I am pretty sure there were people taking bets along the way to see if I would make it through the end 🙂

    • admin

      Houri thanks for the great comment and comparison. I’m betting $20 you do. Any takers??

  8. Alissa

    My twenties have been one of those indie flicks where you spend the whole film waiting for something interesting to happen, but nothing does. You walk out of the theater thinking not about the great plot and soundtrack but rather if you have enough clean socks left or need do a load of laundry.

    Overall, I feel like too much of life is spent waiting for something to happen instead of making things happen. Maybe I’ll have the courage in my thirties. :o)

    • admin

      Alissa you also encapsulated the 20-struggle extremely well and I know I’ve definitely had those times (ok most my 20’s) where I’ve felt the exact same way. Am I going to be an active participant in my own future or just a spectator? While I think I know the answer, many of the time my life doesn’t reflect…

      How many of us are going through our 20’s living intentionally unintentional lives…??

  9. Allison

    The 20’s so far haven’t been Knocked Up! Hahaha 😉
    But seriously, they’ve been a bit of The Hangover, some He’s Just Not That Into You, and a whole LOT of Runaway Bride (cuz commitment is a scary thing!)


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