Chalkboard #1: Adult When?

Chalkboard Question - Adult When?

Respond to the Chalkboard question of the week via the comments below or via Facebook. Best response will be featured on the All Groan Up Home page the following week.


Chalkboard Question - Adult When?



  1. Fuller

    I stop laughing at FRIENDS and start thinking that Joey’s comments about sex are inappropriate 🙂

    • admin

      Fuller – So true. It’s crazy how humor slowly begins to morph

  2. Sarah Hahn

    When I overhear 16 year olds talking about” that lady” and I realize they think of me as a lady…not a kid. Weird.

    • admin

      Sarah – It’s even weirder when I hear kids talking about “that lady” and realize they’re talking about me

  3. Naomi

    When I cook dinner for my hubby at least seven days in a row.:)

  4. Chad

    When I would rather listen to the classical radio station because the alternative radio station “feels” to loud.

  5. Mike

    When the manager at Chipotle comes outside to the patio, tells the high school kids to stop throwing forks at cars and lighting things on fire, and then turns and apologizes to ME. Oh wait… that happened last week. (PS – I don’t think they were doing any of that. Will I be an adult when I think they were?).

    • admin

      Mike – Pretty sure you were the ring-leader of the whole operation, so…

  6. Karina

    When I have a family to support, for now I’m care-free 🙂 Want to stay up late reading a great book or perusing the internet, I can do that. If I just want to have ice cream and chocolate-covered pretzels for dinner that’ll work!!!

    • admin

      Oh yes I remember those days…wait…I just ate sour gummies worms for dinner. And I have a wife and kid.

  7. Will

    …i stop saying, “our elders used to say our music sucked too” and start saying, “this generation’s music really sucks.”

  8. Ryan

    When going to bed on Sunday night to prepare for the week becomes a priority.

  9. Brandon

    When my wife complains that I drive like her grandfather just to get better gas mileage.

  10. Stephanie

    When I complain in agony, “when I got my license, it only costs $20 to fill up my car”

  11. Kendra

    When I make comments about “kids these days” and utilize our Flex Spending Account, because I know what that is now.

    • admin

      Kendra I had to Wikipedia Flex Spending Account…just saying…

  12. Alyssa

    When I make comments like “I was NEVER allowed to wear something like that when I was her age…I wore stretch pants and an over-sized t-shirt!”

    • admin

      I loved my stretchy pants too! And my special school for boys who wore stretchy pants! They had the best crafts there…

  13. admin

    Oh my word there are some amazing comments already! This is going to be a tough choice for top comment of the week. Keep them coming!

  14. Julian

    when the last of the ketchup bottle makes a fart noise and I don’t laugh.

    • Robert

      I must not be an adult yet. I’m 43 but a kid had a fart noise maker and I laughed out loud!

  15. David B

    Two things come to mind. 1, the fact that I Iisten to NPR (public radio) now. I mean, it’s talk radio! It would have bored me to death just a couple years ago. Now I think the topics are engaging and discussing global trends sounds like a good way to spend my drive. The fact I’m listening to the news makes me feel like an adult.

    I also feel like a real adult when I pay bills. It pains me to see the hard earned money go out the window but that’s what hard working adults do, right? Spend money on things that are unexciting and necessary for survival? If so, I have begrudgingly and unsuspectingly arrived at adulthood.

  16. Lindsay

    I stop feeling entitled to winter breaks, spring breaks, and summers off.

  17. Alissa

    … when I start making my bed and stop eating PB&J for lunch. According to these indicators, I’m still a fifth-grader.

  18. Kate

    when my first reaction to finding out a friend is pregnant is “congratulations!!” instead of “holy &^%$, what happened!!”

    • Diana Antholis

      HAHA Kate! My reactions are SO OFF. The top two are: 1) Whoa, did you plan that? 2) (silence + staring eyes) You better lock that up.
      Terrible!!!!! AH!

  19. Ashley Cray

    …when I never run out of underwear because I actually stayed on top of my laundry.

    • admin

      Ashley – too funny! I had about 10 stellar follow up jokes to this comment about underwear, but chose to refrain myself. Heck, maybe I’m more grown up than I thought 🙂

  20. Rachael

    I’m a little late to this, but I feel like an adult (without fail) when rent comes due every month.

    I also feel like an adult every evening at 7:30pm when I scurry to turn on Jeopardy. What is wrong with me??

    • admin

      Rachael – Rent! Oh yes. A twentysomethings, thirtysomethings mortal enemy. Right up there with “hiring freeze” and an “amazing” job with a lot of “upward mobility”….


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