What’s your story?

What's Your Story - Photo?

There you are.

Sitting in an interview. Or across from a date. At a party, holding tight to the food table and your drink.

Then it happens.

As you’re nervously trying to snag that dream job, a second date, or you’re just mid-bite of a chip with some guacamole hanging off the side of your mouth — someone looks you in the eyes and asks, “So tell me, what’s your story?”

Your story? Where do you even start?

What are the events that have brought you here? Or more importantly, what has informed what you believe, what you’re passionate about, what makes you feel anxious and what makes you come alive — basically the “why” behind everything you do?

We all have a story. Yet, truly understanding what I call the “Pivotal Plot Points” of your story, might be the difference between you living on purpose with purpose. Or fumbling from one step to another as you feel like something BIG is missing from your life, but you just can’t figure out what it is.

If right now you don’t feel like you have a lot of clarity about where you want to go in life, what you want to do, or really who you are, there’s so much you can learn by looking at your story through an intentional lens.

What's Your Story - Photo?

Photo Credit: _namtaf_ via Compfight cc

Finding your unique Signature Sauce begins and ends with your story – past, present, and future. Your story is the base of your sauce that everything else is mixed into.

If you don’t understand your story – where it comes from and where it’s going – how are you going to effectively write the next pages?

How to Understand the Pivotal Plot Points of Your Story

Understanding your Story is the first ingredient I teach on and help people uncover in Module #1 of my new Finding Your Signature Sauce online course and community, which is open for enrollment this week only.

You can access ALL of this first module in the Signature Sauce course right now for FREE. I invite you to watch my video teaching on Story and even download the workbook questions from the course to help you start articulating the Pivotal Plot Points in your story.

Finding Your Signature Sauce is a 5 week intensive online course and private community, consisting of 10 modules covering the 10 key ingredients to guide you in finding where your passion, purpose, and career collide. Signature Sauce has been cooking in my mind for years and is the culmination of all the books I’ve written, workshops I’ve delivered, people I’ve coached, research I’ve done, and influencers I’ve interviewed.

So if it feels like I’ve mentioned Signature Sauce often these past few weeks, it’s because I have! I’m super excited about it! And I really believe in what it can offer you.

I want to help as many people as I can go through this Signature Sauce program, so I’m also offering a $48 discount on the course — no matter what level you sign up for. But today is the last day for the discount, so you’d need to sign up before 11:59 Pacific Standard Time today, 10/15.

Sign up here for Signature Sauce and receive up to 33% off the course — today only.

How Can I Help You?

I truly consider it one of the greatest honors of my life to be able to interact with, encourage, and inspire the community here at All Groan Up. I believe you were meant to live a life dripping with significance and meaning, and not just die the slow death of purposeless life.

I created the Signature Sauce course to help others in a more meaningful and impactful way than what I can offer through a blog or even a book. I’d love to connect with you on a deeper level and tangibly help you in a way I’ve never been able to before. To enter into your story with my own, and vice versa. Together we can create a strategy and attainable action plan for leveraging your Signature Sauce into a life dripping with intentionality, passion, and purpose!

Whether you’re interested in the full Signature Sauce course or not, this first module of the program about finding your story is definitely a HUGE resource in helping you gain clarity and better identify the path you need to move forward on. Please check it out. Because you have an amazing story that is waiting to be uncovered.


PS – Remember, the early bird discount for the Signature Sauce course ends today, 10/15. Snag your spot today.


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