5 Lies that are Holding You Back


I know what it’s like to be stuck. In your career. In your relationships. When you have big hopes and dreams, yet you feel like you’re not living the life you were meant to live.

That was me. For far too long.

It took me many years and overwhelming amounts of frustration to realize that the things holding me back the most were the lies I believed. Lies that were so damaging, yet subtle, that I didn’t even realize they were entrapping me with their tentacles!

How many years did I miss living my life on purpose with purpose because I believed a lie that I couldn’t? 

And over the last four years as I’ve written here on All Groan Up, through my books, and had the privilege of hearing from thousands of you from around the world, the more I realized that these lies are affecting so many of us. They are keeping us stuck. Yet, many of us don’t even realize it.

That’s why in the second video in my free online course: “UnStuck: Crush the Things that Are Holding You Back” I took head on the 5 biggest lies that are holding us back and keeping us stuck.


If you haven’t already, click here and snag your spot in the 3-part series for free (this week only) to learn how to identify and tackle these lies that are keeping you from moving forward. Then as well you can still watch the first video in the series where I talk about how to keep yourself from becoming a real.live.half.dead adult, along with many other things.

One of the lies I discuss in this second video can be so devastating I needed to write about it here at All Groan Up as well.

That lie?

That we don’t have what it takes.

When we tell ourselves that we don’t have what it takes we’re letting insecurities and fear dictate our future.

I know from experience.

Growing up, a huge insecurity for me was talking to people. It was a running joke in my family that I was afraid to even ask for ketchup. I loved Burger King. I love slathering those burgers in ketchup. Yet I was too nervous to go to the counter and ask for it.

I was always having to give half my burger and some fries to my brother to do it for me.

Now, it’s crazy that most of my life is spent talking to people. Yet, no matter how many times I jump on stage, I still have that lie in my head trying to tell me that I don’t have what it takes.

And that’s the thing — when you try to crush these lies sometimes they only get louder and more in your face. That’s why it’s best to tackle these lies in community with friends, mentors, and guides. That’s partially why I wanted to go beyond blog posts and books so that we could help each other move forward in more real-time community and a structured framework in an online course.

I think we all struggle with this insecure feeling of “I’m not good enough” at some point. It’s this voice in the back of our mind that keeps us from stepping outside our comfort zone and chasing after our dreams.

But that voice is a lie.

You are good enough.

Taking action on your goals and dreams will become a little less frightening in time. With each step forward you start building a little more resolve.

But you don’t ever completely get rid of fear. You start by doing something in the face of fear, and then the next time it’s a little less frightening.

Come on over to the 3-part UnStuck series and let’s untangle ourselves from these lies. Let’s start really talking about what’s going on in our lives and help each other move forward.

We don’t connect over our pretend perfection, we connect over our shared struggles.


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