Failing at your 20s? You are in Famous Company

Failing at your 20s? You are in Famous Company

Your 20s not going as planned? Perfect. You’re in great company. And I’m not just talking about the two million 20-somethings currently blogging about their quarter-life crisis. No, failing in your twenties is a historical rite of a passage. Like being...
Why You Need to Work an Adventure Job in Your 20s

Why You Need to Work an Adventure Job in Your 20s

  The dark, mountain sky enveloped me. Just ten minutes before I was asleep. Now I was miles away from my bed, alone in a wide-open field, listening to the sounds of animals circling me. How in the world did I end up here? A loud snort. A scratch of the earth....

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- "3 Ways to Pay Better Attention to the Answers Right in Front of You" - a quick, three step action guide to paying better attention that you can implement today.

- The first two chapters from best-selling author Paul Angone's new book Listen to Your Day: The Life-Changing Practice of Paying Attention.
