Big News! Announcing 101 Secrets for your Twenties



It’s been a wild, crazy, busy ride this last year and I have to say a BIG THANK YOU to this amazing All Groan Up community! Without your support, shout-outs, and all-around awesomeness, there’s no way Today’s BIG Announcement would be happening!! Period. Exclamation point. Times a thousand. So….

I’m extremely stoked, nervous, and thrilled to announce:

In partnership with Moody Publishers, hitting bookstores this July 1st comes my debut book — “101 Secrets for your Twenties”!


101 Secrets for your Twenties - Coming July 1st

Yes! Due to the crazy popularity of 21 secrets for your 20s, I landed an incredible publishing deal with Moody Publishers, joining fellow authors Gary Chapman, Jeff Goins, Scott McClellan, Rhett Smith, Ally Vesterfelt, Matt Appling and Sarah Cunningham — to name a few. It’s awesome joining a team who shares in my passion and goal to come along side this generation to help you answer the tough questions like “what now?” And help refresh you for the journey.

101 Secrets for Your Twenties” will dive deeper into the details of twentysomething life, offering hope, encouragement, and inspiration. If you LOVED 21 Secrets for your 20s, you will die reading “101 Secrets for your Twenties.” It is laugh out loud funny, sarcastic, wise, unique, meaningful, and has the potential to meet you right where you are at, no matter what path you currently have found yourself on.

I want to encourage you, awe you, inspire you, and have you laughing until it hurts with this new book. You DESERVE it!

For all the disappointment, heartache, pain, confusion, and crap you’ve had to face so far in this exhilarating decade called your 20s. You deserve it. And This is my BEST work yet, so I am excited to have you join me in welcoming my debut book.

Less than Two Months Away

101 Secrets releases July 1st, but is already available RIGHT NOW on book retailer sites like Amazon for pre-order and if you do so, hold onto your receipt for some amazing free stuff coming your way. (Oh yeah and did I mention it’s A-mazing FREE stuff valued at over $239 on top of the already awesome book?) Also first person to catch the typo on the Amazon page and email it to me, will win a prize too!

There’s going to be more announcements coming soon about ways you can help spread the word and possibly join the Top Secret Crew for exclusive access to the book and myself. So definitely hold tight for that as well.

And for those Groan Up die-hards who’ve been awaiting for the release of my other book All Groan Up: Searching for Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job! that was supposed to release this spring, 101 Secrets for your Twenties is NOT a re-branded version of that book. All Groan Up: Searching for Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job! still very much exists separate from 101 Secrets, the timing just worked out to release 101 Secrets for your Twenties first.

Thank you Groan Ups!

I am excited about every piece of “101 Secrets for your Twenties” and I can’t wait to share it with you. I  am my biggest critic, so I even surprised myself when after reading through it last week I sat back and told my wife, “Wow, this is seriously a good book. I really like it.”

Thank you, thank you, oh and did I say thank you for all the encouragement and support you’ve given me along this journey. With your help, I can’t wait to see how far and wide we can send this book together. Go check out the book on Amazon, on the book tab above, and start spreading the word. This is a team effort!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below:

What do you think about the cover or the title? Do you have any questions about the book?


    • admin

      Awesome! Thanks Joanna. I’m placing you on the “send cool free stuff to” list right now.

  1. Nalini Rogers

    Exciting!!! Just snagged three pre-ordered copies!! One for me, and one for my lil brother and sister ( and by little, I mean 19 and 22:)

    • admin

      Nalini! Triple-awesome!!! Thank you.

  2. Candice

    I’ve found the typo, but how do I e-mail you?

    • admin

      Thanks Candice for your grammar sleuthness! Email me at paul(at)allgroanup(dot)com

  3. Roni

    I look forward to reading the book when it comes in the mail!! It’s added to my summer reading list.

    • admin

      Awesome Roni! Thank you. I think it’s going to be a perfect summer read! But, I’m a little biased…

  4. Evelyn

    Awesome news! I just ordered my copy! I can’t wait to give it to my sister as a gift. She is a recent college graduate and new to her 20s/working life. This will be a great encouragement to her.

    • admin

      Evelyn, you rock! I hope it encourages your sis. If I could’ve wrapped my mind around just half these secrets by my early twenties…

  5. Louise

    Looking forward to reading it!


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