29 Signs You Are …whew… Not That Adult

Sure you’re in your twenties or thirties, but does that mean you’re actually an adult?

I wrote about the 17 Signs You’re…gasp…An Adult and if reading it gave you anxiety at the thought of becoming a full-fledged groan up, here are 29 signs you’re…whew…not that adult–many of them coming from my book 101 Secrets for your Twenties.

Read the list below and let us know how adult or un-adult you really are.

1. You still enjoy your birthday.

2. At the first sight of snow you hope work is canceled tomorrow.

3. You ironed your dress shirts for a month in your new job, and then decided a much easier strategy was to just stop believing that wrinkles exist.

4. You bring empty Tupperware to work to take home leftover office food.


5. You don’t have kids. Or dogs. But you have a gerbil! Or you used to have a gerbil. What, after the accident and all.

6. The thought of becoming an adult makes you toss up a few Fruity Pebbles.

7. You see nothing wrong with still eating Fruity Pebbles. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

8. TGIF still means something more to you (aka you still watch your DVD set of Boy Meets World or Step by Step).

9. You’ve said TMI, “Totes”, or “Adorbs” in the last week.

10. Basically you’ve said any phrase from this Stuff Twentysomethings Say video below.

11. Come 8:00 p.m. you still have trouble telling the difference between hungry, thirsty, tired, or just bored. So you eat Little Caesar’s and Skittles.

12. You’re still a little pissed your parents turned your old bedroom into an art room/office. Seriously, did your time with them mean nothing?

13. You’ve stayed up until 2 a.m. at least once this week playing video games. Or you’ve stayed up until 2 a.m. this week doing anything, well anything other than taking part of a baby’s birth.

14. You spent an hour at work looking up Internet memes.

15. You know what an Internet meme is.

16. You still go to your parents’ house to do laundry.

17. You secretly hope when you go to your parents’ house to do laundry that your mom will do it for you.

18. And then you double-secretly-hope that while it’s in the dryer she’ll make you a sandwich and that dip you love.

19. You’re still on your parents’ cellphone plan.

20. You’re still on your parents’ car insurance.

21. You’re still driving your parents’ car.

22. You’re back living in your parents’ converted art room/office.

23. You think a 401(k) is a bike race down the West Coast.

24. You could sing five of the latest pop songs right now in their entirety.

25. You don’t feel even slightly embarrassed when someone catches you singing one of the latest pop songs in your car, eyes closed, at the top of your lungs. No, you actually feel a little proud and secretly hope they are a record producer who will approach you about your obvious talent and see if you want to record a demo.

26. You’ve purchased kale at the grocery store, but you’ve never actually eaten it.

27. You’ve purchased furniture from IKEA, but you trick your dad to come over and put it together for you.

28. The fact there’s a lake called Titicaca still makes you giggle. Seriously how did that made it past God and/or the Lake Naming Committee?

29. You see a high schooler walking down the street and think, Gosh, I want those pants.



  1. Lucas

    It would appear that I am very much an adult.

    I’m slightly disturbed by this.

    *goes to buy Fruity Pebbles*

  2. Kim

    When you still live at home bécause your parents won’t let you go. Not an adult yet bécause of the parents I’m stuck with. Ex. Have to celebrate my birthday with them when I totally only want friends around & not allowed to drive my dad’s vehicle alone (too protective) when the govt rules state you can with an (N).


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