Is Your Dream Worth It?



My dream for the last seven years has been to encourage, humor, challenge, and inspire twenty-somethings struggling with “what now?”

And every time I chase this dream, a memory haunts me, asking me if it’s worth it.

It was a Sunday and I was behind in my writing. The few weeks prior had been slow going, like dredging through chest-high mud while holding my laptop above me still trying to pound the keys. Deadlines were fast on my heels waiting to devour me come Monday if I didn’t pick up the pace.

I try my best to write in the early or after hours that no one else wants so that I can spend time with my wife and two girls, but with deadlines laughing in my face like the Joker holding a detonator, I didn’t see any other way around me taking a prime-time slot.

As I gathered books and papers, shoving them in my laptop bag, my two year old just stood and watched me. Then she looked at me and said something that instantly became my Dream-Fire – something that propels me to work harder, while also having the power to devour the whole thing. Just two words out of her mouth changed my dream forever.

To read the rest please head over to Life After College where I am contributing today. Thank you again and again and again for all the support and sharing. Groan Ups unite!


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