Favorite Christmas Tradition. Do Tell


Christmas is coming.

The goose is getting fat.

Please write your favorite Christmas tradition.



Chalkboard Question: What's your favorite Christmas tradition?


  1. Joy Eggerichs

    We have meat fondue on Christmas eve. I think it was cool in the 70’s when my parents started that tradition, and we haven’t stopped rocking it. I hope to carry it on.

  2. melissa

    My favorite Christmas traditions are actually new. When I was little we would always spend Christmas eve at my grandmas. Now that I live hundreds and hundreds miles away from my grandma it’s a little too expensive to do that each year. So my husband and I came up with new ones.

    We got our kids some of those tiny trees to put in their room so each year they can pick out an ornament to add

    On Christmas Eve we get hot chocolate and drive around to look at Christmas lights and we let them open up their Christmas pjs so they wake up in them on Christmas day

  3. Crysta

    My mom (step-mom) and I would make cinnamon rolls from scratch, including the icing. Being the only girl in the family and this being the one thing her and I did together without my little brothers joining in too so it was really good quality time. Plus they are THE BEST cinnamon rolls EVER. That’s a tradition I intend to carry on with my kids. And reading “The Night Before Christmas” to my nephews and eventually my own children; I started this tradition when my nephew was born and even my little brothers who are teenagers now love to sit next to the phone while I read it to him.


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